Title: Make a Perfect Man / Ephesians 4:13
When asked who is the best person in the world, they say that he is the best in his field. A person who is successful in business and makes a lot of money is said to be a decent person. It is also said that a person who is in a position or has power because of knowledge and power is considered a good person.
These people usually depend more on what I have than on the Lord.
I'm trying to solve the problem with what I have. People who have money, knowledge, or power think that I am a good person because they have what they have.
We often meet these kinds of people around us.
1) Someone is getting promoted and doing well, and then suddenly one day
After suffering from a serious illness, he received an evangelism from someone and came to believe in Jesus.
2) A person has achieved great success in business and has been praised by people around him.
One day, he went bankrupt and went bankrupt, and while he was wandering, he came to believe in Jesus for some reason.
These people would not have heard the gospel when they were doing well.
Because what I have now is more precious than the Lord.
Looking at what he had accomplished in the world, he would not have believed in Jesus because he thought he was a good person.
That is why people are greatly disappointed when what they so relied on and hold on to is gone from me. I die horribly. Severe people commit suicide.
Because everything I had been holding on to until now was gone.
Because they think there is nothing more to hold on to.
This is the standard of what the world calls good and bad people.
But today, even those who believe in God are judging people by this standard.
When I see people like that, I label them as good people and successful people.
Also, I think of myself as 'a decent person' because I have achieved this kind of position and this kind of achievement.
However, in today's Bible, we can see that decent people are not measured by this kind of standard.
"We all become one in the faith/ in the knowledge of the Son of God,
be fulfilled/ to the full measure of the stature of the stature of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).
A decent person is not someone who has done something great in the world or has any power in the world, as we can see from today's message.
A person who lives with an interest in believing and knowing Jesus, the Son of God.
The Bible says that such a person is a good person, a perfect person.
So you're saying don't do anything? It's not like that.
It means that just because you do a certain job or do a certain business, they don't make you a decent person or a perfect person.
It means that only Jesus can make a person a good person and a perfect person.
That's why I'm telling you to live your life paying attention to what you believe in and know about Jesus.
He says that only Jesus can make a person a good person, so we need to focus on that.
We can understand a little better by looking at Noah and his family from Genesis 6 onwards.
God commanded Noah to build an ark in preparation for the flood.
Because people's lives at that time were completely rotten in the sight of God.
Everything I planned had nothing to do with God. Their goal in life was not God. As a result, not to mention morally and ethically corrupted, their only concern was to show off their bodies.
In the days of Noah, there were warriors and warriors called the Nephilim.
In today's language, these are people who go out in the world, make a lot of money, and have power.
At that time, people were very envious of them.
How can I get my daughter to marry them, and how can I make them son-in-law?
It was the main concern of the people at the time.
But the problem is God's perspective.
God did not call these people good people or perfect people.
So God tried to show Noah who was a good person.
Noah began to build the ark on the mountain in preparation for the flood, as God had instructed.
Noah and his family believed in only God.
The only thing Noah and his family knew was the ark that God had told them to build.
It is because they firmly believed that only God could save them when they encountered the flood.
It is because we were convinced that the only thing that could save us when the world became a sea of water was the ark that God had prepared.
However, the faith of Noah's family was a source of ridicule among the people of his day.
Years have passed and the ark is now complete. When Noah and his family entered the ark
It rained heavily and caused floods. Houses are flooded, mountains are flooded.
Who proved to be a decent person at this time?
It was only Noah's family who built the ark based on God's command and trust in God. In the end, it has been proven that decent people are those who are interested in believing and knowing Jesus.
Example) What is “Golgotha” in a high school exam where you learn the Bible? I asked
He replied, "Golgotha is the name of the giant who killed David."
"Where did Jesus die?" I asked, 'Well, I think it's Seoul National University Hospital'. 'What happens when a person dies?' I said, 'Let's go to the cemetery.' would answer.
It is important to believe and know Jesus correctly.
Now we are not talking about worldly knowledge.
As a saved child of God, we are talking about the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
that we have become one in believing and knowing Jesus
It means that everyone will stop talking about the claims and values of this world any longer.
Now it is time to focus only on Jesus and focus on believing and knowing Jesus.
You have to admit that you are a good person, a whole person.
In this era, it is more important to find a clear intention and purpose for why you do this than what you do hard.
Believing and knowing Jesus, the Son of God...
This is one of the most important things the church should do.
We must all become one with faith in and knowing Jesus, the Son of God, and become perfect people. We really need to change like this. The reason we need to change is because of Jesus. Because Jesus told us not to live for ourselves, but to live for the millions of people on this earth. Because God's kingdom tells us to live for the things that are done on this earth. Because the unbearable love of Jesus captivates us.
When we all focus on believing in and knowing Jesus, the Son of God, the church of God will be built up more and more and the work of revival will appear.
But the problem is the order.
First, there must be something to be made whole. Only then can you do the work of service. If this order is reversed, the body of Christ cannot be built strong.
If we do not first perfect the saints and do the work of service, the community is noisy and noisy. We work and we complain rather than thank.
Because I didn't become a good person, a perfect person.
First, there must be a work to perfect the saints.
'To make the saints whole' means 'to make them into strong saints'.
Pray that through thorough evangelism training, discipleship training, and life training, that person can achieve the kingdom of God and righteousness by standing firm in the Word without being shaken in a miscellaneous world of material civilization, scientific civilization, idols, philosophy, humanism, and many ideas. means to make.
This is strictly Jesus' way.
The principle of Jesus is to create man first,
It was later that I left the job.
He tells me to make him a decent person first, and only then to entrust him with the work of service.
Then, through that service, 'the body of Christ is being built up securely'.
As the body of Christ, the church exists to work.
To work for the body of Christ, the church, you must be healthy.
The church should focus on creating healthy people from scratch rather than trying to heal the sick. Creating healthy people is 'making the saints whole'.
But now, less than 80 people are gathering to worship.
Because London has changed, the people living in London have changed, but the Church has not. This is because we did not raise 'healthy workers' to work for the church. This is because he entrusted them to 'do not perfect the saints, but merely do the work of service'.
In fact, there are many workers who are currently volunteering for businesses and events in Korean churches.
But there are not many workers who make disciples. A worker who does not reproduce people in the strict sense is not a worker in the true sense of the word. The church must nurture a committed minority who makes a difference and makes an impact in the world. So we have to lead the world.
As E.M. Bounces, author of the booklet 'Prayer' series, puts it, 'Man is God's way'.
The world is looking for better technology and better programs, but God is looking for better people.
“Creating one worker” with eyes that can see hundreds of apples from one apple seed is what makes the saints whole. If we continue to do this, the body of Christ, the church, will become stronger.
It is also precious and important for many people to gather and worship.
However, it is more important how many faithful believers who are united in believing and knowing Jesus gather to worship.
If there are only a few mature people, who are clearly standing in the word of God, God's work is centered on those people. Numbers don't do big things.
We must abide in faith, be rooted in faith, and be built up in faith.
When we were spiritually little children, we were very interested in the world.
I thought the world was a place that made me a decent person.
But as I became one in what I believed and knew in Jesus, I became a perfect person
I have come to realize that the world is not like that.
As we believed in Jesus and came to know Jesus, we also came to know that the world deceives us.
Don't look to the world and expect there to be hope.
Don't fall for the trick that some place in the world will make you a decent person.
I pray that you become one in believing and knowing Jesus Christ only/ becoming a perfect person/ and building up the body of Christ securely in every corner of our lives.
This is the way the saints should go.
This is the way to be a decent person, a whole person.