Title: Make Disciples of All Nations
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Make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20)
Which Christian will be great? We must become saints who embrace the world. When you become a big bowl, you do big things. The size is determined by the bowl.
1. Method and purpose of mission
(1) The purpose of mission is to make disciples. And to make that dish, you have to undertake four ministries. That is, we have to go to the field of life, baptize the soul, teach it, and nurture it. There are five verbs in today's text. These verbs do not end with “to go once, to baptize, to teach, to make a disciple, to keep,” but have a repetitive meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to mobilize missionary methods for the purpose of making disciples.
(2) In the process of becoming a disciple of Jesus, there must be training. A disciple is a person who has been spiritually regenerated, trained and reproduced. And he is a willing obedient man who is dedicated to the Lord.
2. Make disciples (verses 19-20a)
(1) We must make disciples of all nations. We must go to the field of missionary work.
(2) to all nations; No one is excluded from the gospel.
3. How to make disciples
(1) We must go to the field of missionary work. Have the faith to overcome your fears (verses 18, 20)
(2) Baptism must be “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
⑶ Teach them to keep them. We need a father's heart (Malachi 4:6)
4. Please do your best to support missionary work.
(1) All Christians are born for a mission. Everyone who believes in Jesus has a mission. There are only those who realize it and those who don't.
(2) We must go one step further and become a missionary worker.
① The blessing of missionary workers is that they will focus their lives on the Lord's plan and live.
② If you focus on missionary work, you will be prepared for the Lord's last days, so you will always be awake and lead a life of faith.
③ Korea is the country in the world where you can stand as a hero of faith strong enough to be jealous of Jews. The way to prepare for the second coming of the Lord is like John the Baptist preparing for the first coming of Jesus. How much did Jesus bless John the Baptist? He was said to be the greatest among those born by women (Matthew 11:11-12).
Worldwide Christians try to please God in whatever they do. I am always willing to serve and am very interested in evangelism and missions.