Title: Make God God
Exodus (9) Let God be God (Exodus 3:13-15)
<Keep your mind high>
Children of God have God's help. Do your best though. Whatever you do, don't be sub-optimal. Sometimes the next best thing is your best enemy. God does not want the status quo. The maintenance of the status quo or intellectual status quo can be a sin of indolence. Don't be content with your current level and don't say "That's it!" “It’s done! It is finished!” is the time to start anew. Some points in life are actually not endings, but new beginnings.
God will meet you strongly when you do your best with hope. Now, even if you have received a lot of blessings and love in the past, forget about those days and meet again today. To win the gift of God called 'tomorrow', you must have today's faith, sweat, and passion. Without it, you cannot be the protagonist of history. Now, covet the ‘tomorrow’ like a virgin land where no one can walk and no one has ever lived.
Even if there is no evidence of great faith, do not look at the environment and look at the God who controls history. Don't hate people too much. If you hold onto people and stretch out, your life will stretch endlessly. Always put your will, heart, and thoughts on a high place, and never lose sight of your bright dreams even when you get older. Make what you are doing now a part of preparing for the glorious days of tomorrow. If you prepare for tomorrow and have a dream that affects you for good, God will make that dream come true.
Have big dreams and fantasies. Dreams and visions are ‘languages of the Holy Spirit’ and ‘expressions of the Holy Spirit’. Before God gave the land of Canaan to Abraham, he had dreams and visions to see the land. Prioritize your fantasy over your environment and put your ‘seeing’ ahead of your ‘achieving’. When you do your best with your dreams and fantasies, those dreams and fantasies sooner or later become reality. In particular, in order for brilliant dreams and fantasies to come true, what is needed above all else is the ‘life of worship’.
One day, at the age of seventy, a man bowed to his parents and then fell on his face and cried for a while. I was so moved and thankful for the love and grace of my parents that I couldn't express my gratitude any other way, and I just messed around. What is worship? It is to bow down before God in awe. Why do you fall? It is because there is a deep emotion in the heart with respect for God. A deep respect for God leads to the most powerful life. The reason Moses was used was because he had such a life of worship.
<Let God be God>
One day, God entrusted Moses with a mission to save the Israelites. Then Moses asked. "God! What should I say when they ask what God’s name is?” God said. “I am that I am.” Literally translated, it means “I exist as I am.” In simple terms, it means “I am me.” In biblical terms, it means “I am who I am!” (verse 14). The meaning of the name ‘Jehovah’ is ‘I am who I am’.
God does not need to be acknowledged by others to be acknowledged. God exists in Himself and rules all things. Worship is what makes that God God. Human beings have an instinct to worship, and they look for something to offer their attention, love, devotion, and loyalty. The object must be God who created us and saved us, not anything else.
After Noah had spent about a year and 20 days in the ark, the ground was dry and when he came out of the ark, he smelled the earth and was thrilled. The first thing he did was burnt offerings. There were many things I wanted to do at that time and there were many things I had to do, but I did the worship service first. God accepted that worship and said, “I will never again curse the earth because of man.” Put the worship that pleases God like that at the center of your life.
When the Israelites were marching in the wilderness, when the ark departed, they departed with it, and when the ark stayed, they stayed with them. Also, three tribes were set up with the entrance of the tent facing the ark of the ark. It means “Always look to God and put worship at the center of your life!” Then a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud appeared above the ark and led the people of Israel. Such a worship-centered life is the best way to receive the miraculous grace of the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud.