Title: Mary's Christmas Praise (Luke 01:46-56)
Contents The fall of mankind began through women, but salvation also began through women. In this regard, it is thought that it is most important to look at the Christmas praises of the woman who first felt and believed the meaning of salvation. This praise of the woman of faith and confession of faith will be more important than any other praise in history. So, you can see that many of the Christmas songs in the Middle Ages are centered on the content of the text. We want to examine the significance of Christmas through the content of Mary's praise.
1. They praised Jesus as Savior. (Verses 46-47) Mary said, "My soul praised the Lord, and my heart rejoiced in God and my Savior, so Mary must have given her her son as Lord or Savior." confessed. This is not an ordinary superficial belief, but a certain belief. She clearly accepted Jesus as her Savior. You must have received and believed in the Savior's indwelling in the most realistic way in this world. For that reason, this woman could not help but praise her thanks.
2. They praised God's grace. (Verses 48-49) Because he looked at the lowliness of the slave girl. It goes without saying that the savior's conception was more painful than the joy we have now, but Mary confessed that it was the grace of God. Those who have received true grace accept the meaning of suffering with joy because of that emotion. Although there is a risk that not only the lawmakers in the neighborhood who know her, but also her family may be abandoned by Joseph, she believed and praised her with God's grace.
3. It was a praise of humility. (Verses 52-55) What is the true meaning of humility Perhaps it is an attitude of acceptance. A person who is not humble always cannot accept other ideas or opinions of others. Only the humble are receptive. Because the Lord's will was done by the Lord, Mary abandoned her will and accepted it. They believed in the promise to accomplish the salvation of Israel and allowed God to show mercy.