Title: Meaning of Jesus' Resurrection
Meaning of Jesus Resurrection
“When we all fell to the ground, I heard a voice, saying in Hebrew, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? Arise, stand on your feet, and I have appeared to you, that I may make you a servant and a witness in what you have seen me and what I am about to appear to you. I have rescued you from Israel and the Gentiles and sent them to open their eyes from darkness to light, to turn to God from the power of Satan, and to receive the forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by believing in me” (Acts 26:14-18).
I. background of the text
II. Apostle Paul's Conversion
Α. his two convictions
Before you are converted, you must first think about who he was. He was a man with two convictions. First, he was immersed in psychological prejudice, racial supremacy that trivializes all nations other than Israel as the chosen people ideology. The second is a theological prejudice against Christ, that Jesus could never be the Christ.
The people of Israel had the idea of the Messiah along with the idea of the chosen people. This Messiah did not come as a man of God and die a substitute death, but appeared as a superhuman being, receiving God's special anointing, to save Israel from the Roman oppression, and to save Israel from the Roman oppression. He was a leader who would achieve a powerful and powerful nation like the glorious David era.
Β. Two insurmountable propositions
The first event is an event that has already occurred and is the event in which Jesus Christ was crucified. Hidden here is the great conspiracy of the Jewish religious leaders. They wanted Jesus to be crucified. This is because of the religious conviction of the Israelites that after his death there was no room for reinterpretation of his death, and that he was cursed by God (everyone who hung on a tree was cursed by God, v. 21:23). Saul also had this average perception.
The second event is the event that he encountered and met the resurrected Jesus Christ. So for him this was an incomprehensible event. In his mind came people who had not seen death in the Old Testament. Enoch, Moses, and Elijah were all men who overcame death, and what they had in common was that they were specially recognized by God. This was a contradictory proposition that further confused Saul. Jesus was cursed by God and died. However, if you say that you were raised to life, it means that God loved you and received God's approval. If you were going to save him, you shouldn't have killed him. How can these two contradictory events be compatible?
An interpretation that immediately entered his mind was a reinterpretation of the crucifixion of Christ. If it is because of one's own sin, the two propositions do not hold, but if it is not one's own sin but a substitutionary death for those who are to be saved before all God, these two propositions can coexist.
Through this, his psychological and theological prejudices are shattered, and the brilliant light of truth centered on Christ comes in.
Ⅲ. newly discovered name
IV. conclusion