Title: Micah 6
Content Micah 6
There is no place in the Old Testament where the true meaning of religion is so clearly revealed as here. At the outset, the Lord calls his people to contend with him “before the mountains of the mountains” (v. 1).
It is the duty of his people to serve the LORD, remembering the favor he has bestowed upon Israel.
1. There is the beginning of a dispute between Jehovah and Israel
“Arise, and argue before the mountain, that the hill may hear your voice” (verse 1).
(1) First, let them listen to the word of the Lord.
“Hear the word of the Lord” (verse 1). Jehovah declares to the “mountains” that stand unchangingly.
(2) The mountains will appear as witnesses.
“Hear ye the dispute of the Lord” This dispute is “arguing with Israel” (v. 2).
(3) There is a request from the Lord.
“What have I done to you, my people, and what have I tormented you” (verse 3). Then the Lord says, “Testify to me.”
(4) There is a recall from Jehovah.
“I brought you out of the land of Egypt” (v. 4), and the greatest favor of the Lord to Israel is that “I brought you out of the land of Egypt” (v. 4), a redemption from a house of slavery. This is so important that I remind myself whenever I need to. Israel should always remember the former grace of the Lord.
2. Has the character of true faith
There are two contrasting statements about the basic stance of faith. One is a religious ceremony, and the other is the mind and attitude of the living person performing the ceremony.
(1) There is the reality of religious ceremonies.
“With what shall I come before the LORD, and worship the high God” (verse 6).
The outward attitude towards the act of worship emerges.
① Worship must bring “something”. ② A burnt offering is also necessary. ③ You also need oil. But what catches our attention here is the expression “my firstborn for my transgression” (v. 7). Sacrifice of the firstborn son has existed since time immemorial. God forbade such a system (Leviticus 18:21, 20:2) and it was destroyed, but Ahaz (2 Kings 16:2) and Manasseh (2 Kings 10:33ff) sacrificed his children.
Also, offering the “fruit of the body” (verse 7) is seen as atonement for the sins of my soul.
(2) There is true faith.
“Is not what the Lord asked of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (verse 8). Serving God requires ① justice ② kindness ③ humility.
Amos emphasizes justice (Amos 5:24), Hosea emphasizes the Son of Man (Hos 6:6), and Deuteronomy emphasizes humility before God (Deut 10:12-22)
3. There is an iniquity in the city that cannot escape judgment
“Therefore, I also crushed you and made you desolate for your sins” (verse 13).
The “unrighteous merchants” of the city are the object of reproof (11-12).
They ① wore unclean weights ② put false weights in their pockets. (verse 11) Also, the rich were “full of violence” and “the inhabitants “told lies” (verse 12). A person who has accumulated wealth cannot live a true life.”
They (1) eat, but are not satisfied (2) sow seed but have no harvest (3) cannot use oil and wine (verse 15). Their lives are unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory.
The leaders of the city “show that they followed the tyrannical political system of Omri and Ahab. Because of this, they bear the “disgrace” of God’s people (verse 16).