Title: Misunderstanding and Understanding of Resurrection
There were three representative religious groups in Israel: one was the Pharisees, one was the Essenes, and one was the Sadducees. The Sadducees were originally from a priestly family. They come from very religious ancestry, and of course people who believe in God. They were also upper-class people. With a pro-Roman tendency in collusion with Rome, they were a minority belonging to the very wealthy class. They had a realistic mindset. As they lived their lives in this way, they gradually denied the supernatural.
So today's text begins like this. Today's text, Mark 12:18, says, "The Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus and asked him, "... ” They asked Jesus one very strange question one day in order to justify their position in their denial of the resurrection. To this question, Jesus points out, “You have misunderstood the Bible.”
I think there are still many Sadducees in this day and age. I go to church, but there is no faith in the resurrection. For a long time, I went to church, attended worship, and heard the word, but I do not believe that I will live forever in the afterlife. They die physically, but do not believe that they will rise again. Just as Jesus was resurrected, I must have a firm belief that He will rise again.
Why do the Sadducees deny the resurrection and misunderstand it? Jesus gives two reasons for their disbelief in the resurrection and the reason for their misunderstanding of the resurrection.
The first reason is that you do not know the Bible. Because of ignorance of God's Word. The Sadducees thought they knew the Bible better than anyone. And they were Bible teachers. But the Lord diagnosed them as not knowing the Bible. Why? Gentlemen, true knowing does not mean knowing only intellectually.
Second, they misunderstood because they did not know neither the Bible nor the power of God. Ignorance of God's power, distrust of God's power. This is the cause of not having faith in the resurrection. Those who do not believe in the resurrection are ultimately those who do not believe in God. The Sadducees claimed to believe in God, had priests, and performed religious ceremonies. But there was no belief in the resurrection.
The Bible says: After all, they are people who do not believe in God… If you believe in God, you must believe in His power. What is God's power? Genesis 1:1 verse 1. Do you believe this saying, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”? Those who believe in Genesis 1:1 will also believe in the resurrection faith. He created something from nothing, absolute nothing. If God created something out of this absolute nothingness and created all things, wouldn't he be able to bring the dead back to life?
The Bible is a miracle book. miracle book. The Bible is full of miracles. Supernatural God. Almighty God. Please believe that this is a book that testifies to the deeds of God. We believe that if we can receive this, we will be able to profess our faith in the resurrection. Almighty God. Believe that He is the power of resurrection.