Title: Moriah, Jachin, and Boaz (2 Chronicles 3:1, 17)
Moriah, Jachin, and Boaz (2 Chronicles 3:1, 17)
Solomon finally builds the temple.
(1) And Solomon began to build the house of the LORD on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, the place where the LORD had appeared to his father David, the place David had appointed on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
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In Chapter 2, we see that many helping hands are giving strength to the building of the temple. But the part we need to see today is Mount Moriah. Where is Mount Moriah?
In Genesis 22, God's command is given to sacrifice Isaac, the son Abraham bore when he was 100 years old, on Mount Moriah.
If he had not obeyed the word because he loved his son Isaac more than God, Abraham would not have been the father of faith today.
When Abraham drew out his sword and was about to kill his only son, Isaac, he said from heaven, "Abraham, Abraham, now you know that you fear God." You have passed the test. Then he prepared the ram for a burnt offering. So Abraham called the place Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides.
To Abraham, his only son, Isaac, is more precious than his own life. But they are not more important than God. If it is more precious than God, it is an idol.
Those who love God unconditionally obey the Word of God.
(1 John 3:17) This is the love of God, that we keep his commands, and his commands are not heavy.
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