Title: My Father, Jehovah (February 2, 2014)
Date: 2014.2.9
Word: Jeremiah 17:12-14
Title: Jehovah My Father
creator! He, Jehovah, is the Father of Israel, our Father, and my Father.
Our Father is the Glorious Lord of the Throne (verse 12) The throne of the temple in Jerusalem is high and beautiful and mysterious itself. The dwelling place of God is the high and high throne. It is the abode of mystery and power.
Jehovah, the hope of Israel (verse 13, first half) What is your true hope in this world? The prophet Jeremiah confesses and teaches that Jehovah is the hope of Israel. Our souls are beautiful because they have life and there is hope. Hope is accompanied by tremendous power.
Jehovah, the source of living water (verse 13, half) God is the source of all life. People foolishly turned away from God, who is the source of living water. Only God's grace can satisfy the weary and weary of this world.
In verse 9 of my hymn, the Lord (verse 14, first half), it is said that the human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Our praise is the God who made heaven and earth. He is worthy of praise. The power of what we experience.
The Lord who heals me (v. 14) The God who made me is the God who heals us anew.
Yahweh, my savior (verse 14, half) He alone is our savior. He is the one who saves nations and saves souls. Our salvation is the Lord alone. Let us praise and boast to our hearts the Lord our Father and my Father.
Yahweh is my refuge (verse 17) A refuge is a place where I can take refuge and rest. David meditated on and depended on God every moment during the war, so he took God as his refuge. He protected David even in the midst of the conspiracy of men. Dear saints, whenever you are weary and weary amidst the world, I hope that you will take refuge in Jehovah as your Father and find rest.