Title: My God / Isaiah 25:1
Title: You are my God
Text: Isaiah 25:1
Introduction: There are many names that people call God by name, so it is
Each time it may be different depending on the position, qualifications, or posture of the caller.
All. Here, it is called "my God", so let's take a look at what it means.
1. Titles in the Old Testament
There are various names for God in the Old Testament, but there are two representatives.
If we consider, Moses, the representative of the law, and Isaiah, the representative of prophecy,
Let's hear the bag.
1) In the case of Moses at the time of the Exodus (Ex 15:2): the Israelites who crossed the Red Sea
Moses, who sang the emotion of
You are my salvation. He is my God...I praise him
I will do it.” Indeed, he praised him as the savior of the nation of Israel.
2) In the case of Isaiah in the prophecy (Isaiah 25:1): "O LORD, you are my God
This is him," which means all the mighty Gentile nations that oppose Israel.
In the end, even those who were in the country could not but be defeated as the object of God's judgment.
All. Therefore we sing, "O LORD, you are my God," when
Thank you for loving and remembering my chosen people and making them objects of blessing.
so it was called
2. Titles in the New Testament
You can also think of the titles of common saints, but here our Lord
Let's think of the titles that Jesus called as representatives.
On the cross, especially when Jesus was crucified,
This is the fourth of the seven verses (架上七言). "Ellie
Li Rama Sabachthani: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Am I?” (Matthew 27:46). Jesus did not normally, no, during his lifetime.
I always called God "Father", but only this time I called "God".
said It changed from a private and intimate title to a public title.
It is a cry of pain of being abandoned by a loving father. that is
It was the result of human sin. At this moment he was virtually forsaken from God.
that He died to atone for mankind who had been rejected by God because of their sins
All. Indeed, it is the highest peak of the cross and the climax of the history of redemption. Jesus
This time of being forsaken was a time when the earth was dark, and the veil of the temple was lifted up in comfort.
It was torn in two to the bottom of the foundation, and the earth shook, and the rocks broke,
It opened, and many bodies of the saints who had slept arose. "You are my God
Conclusion: "To all who receive him, to those who believe in his name,
He has given you the power to become God.” This authority calls God “Abba, Father.”
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