Title: My Self
First, if we live by grace, we are truly happy (verse 10).
Grace is freely given. It is the love of God that is so great that it is impossible to pay the price. Grace is divided into visible grace and invisible grace. Visible grace (all things such as sunlight and rain), this is called general grace (natural revelation). Invisible grace is spiritual grace and inner grace (heaven, peace of mind, love, conscience, etc.). It is a special grace. Visible grace is comparative grace, and invisible grace is incomparable grace. So, the invisible grace is the grace we receive by the Holy Spirit moving our hearts.
Paul received not only general grace but also spiritual grace (the grace of faith). The word of God permeates (perfects). It is the grace of the needy, the grace of the little ones, the grace of the humble. A person who knows the essence of true happiness that the world does not know. "I am what I am by the grace of God" - It is God's grace that I am happy now - these words. I am so happy because of you (God, Jesus Christ, the Lord).
Second, if we live by grace, we will have the greatest wealth (verse 8).
The people of the world must have grace. But what God's people lack is grace.
Paul originally had many things. So there was a lot to be proud of. An intellectual who studied under Gamaliel, who boasted of the best learning at that time, a man who mastered Greek philosophy, an orthodox house of Israel circumcised on the eighth day, the tribe of Benjamin, which is called the royal tribe, a Hebrew of Hebrews, and the law. He was a Pharisee, a doctor of the law, and earnest the trust of the Roman emperor by persecuting the church diligently, and was blameless in his righteousness according to the law. However, after meeting Jesus by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, the resurrected Jesus, he knew his limitations, that is, his lack (verses 8-9). Those who know themselves are not shy. It doesn't dry out. That is why I am thankful for God's grace and the Lord's love and grace for accepting and loving me when I am lacking.
This is the true wealth, the wealthy person.
Third, if we live by grace, we live with heavenly authority (power).
Except for God's grace, he doesn't have anything. They have, but they are very small, and there is nothing to boast about. That is why he says he considered everything he had as excrement. “I labored more than all the apostles did (2 Corinthians 11:23-27), but it was not by me, but by the grace of God that was with me” (verse 10). All glory to the Lord (1 Timothy 1:14-18). They say that the Lord gave me the ability to do what was right for me. And I am convinced that all things are possible if we abide in God's grace. "I know how to be in need, and I know how to abound, and I have learned the secret of being able to meet both satiety and hunger, abundance and want. I can do all things through him who strengthens me" Philippians 4:12-13) Hallelujah!!