Title: Name of David (June 8, 2006)
Date: October 8, 2006
Word: 1 Chronicles 11:4-9
Title: David's Name
The word “solitude general” means a lonely person who has been bullied and tries to deal with things alone, but cannot become a general alone and must cooperate with people. Sakyamuni said, “Children are the only children in the heavens and heavens,” which is a very wrong idea. No one can live without help.
Because David was more helpful than he was good.
[David] His name is still used by many.
His name is not known from the beginning. He was the eighth son of Jesse in Bethlehem, a small village in the countryside. He had seven prominent older brothers. Bethlehem was a poor little town, and Jesse's house was the same.
Such David's name gradually became known, and he became known from the tribe of Judah to Israel, all over the world, and to descendants.
Where did David's help come from?
Help from people.
Samuel helped. I was also blessed to meet Goliath. Meeting Saul is also a blessing. I met General Joab and met loyal warriors. And I met Nathan.
It is God's help.
Is it possible to exist in the world without God's help? Can you live without God's help for even a few seconds? God is our helper. He helps through all nature, or through supernatural powers.
God helped David when he was a shepherd. He helped Goliath, at the hand of Saul, and against countless enemies. And he helped David out of sickness.
A person cannot succeed without God's help. You need to have people around you to collaborate with.