Title: Navigation called Jesus
[Jesus] navigation
Luke 9:57-62
The navigation system in cars these days is really nice and interesting. He guides me well, and even if I have taken the wrong path, I never say why did I do that and what am I going to do now? If you enter a path different from the entered path, the machine stops for a moment as if thinking about it, then says 'research the route' and guides you back to the blue path. The standard of this machine is always the present [me]. It doesn't matter how many times I'm wrong, and it doesn't matter how many times I make bad choices. Always compliant.
What if Navi were a person? What kind of driving do I have to do, I have to change lanes in advance, how many times do I not listen to the broadcasts, by saying something like this, even you always do, you always do, and even define my existence, trying to treat me like a criminal. This way-guide machine is a simple machine, but I think it shows the Lord's way of teaching.
Nothing in the world is perfect. No one makes mistakes. No one is free from sin. But there are people who misunderstand that. Usually, such people set their parents, teachers, and later pastors as role models when they are young. Realizing that parents, teachers, and pastors are also weak and capable of making mistakes, they set them up as virtual strict watchers or role models. And while he respects that it can never be, he tortures him at the same time. I always think of myself as lacking and making many mistakes. I always set the perfect standard virtually and I think I'm ugly by meeting that standard.
When the children were in elementary school, we talked about how I got bad test scores when I was in school. Then the child asked if it was true, and his face brightened. Maybe he thought he was perfect, but he was stressed because he wasn't perfect, and then he felt relieved to know that he can and can make mistakes.
And we cannot always forgive the past. I feel unhappy because of that for the past mistake. But the truth is that I am now killing myself by thinking that way. God is not such a discipline teacher or strict mother-in-law. Kim Ji-ha writes in 架浦日記:
"God is not an old ghost who is squatting like a mother-in-law in everything. The true God is thick and grand and is the law of youth that fills the universe, the world, and the future. It is a hammer to build, a rough hand to sow, and a sickle to harvest.
Don't succumb to sin! you can't even take a step scram! And transcend sin! Sin is another name for progress. Jesus paid the price of this progress as a sin.
It's a cross."
God is free, windy, and grand. He nurtures us, giving us gifts through our righteousness and success, but sometimes through our faults and transgressions, He gives us opportunities, invents, creates new ideas, and creates grace. You can also see that most of the great ideas and theology come from those who have a deep experience of sin.
Therefore, we must always have an adventurer's mind about the events God gives us. You have to live with an adventurous attitude. Is Moses Moral? He was a murderer and a fugitive. But he was an adventurer. Had he not been an adventurer, he would have lived safely in Pharaoh's palace. Because he was an adventurer, he became a fugitive and lived in the wilderness of Midian, but he was finally able to become the leader of the great adventure of the Exodus. Jacob deceived his father and brother, but God did not condemn him. Judah's daughter-in-law Tamar even committed a whore with her father-in-law. But God did not condemn him. Paul Tournier called this a “creative adventure” (<Life as an Adventure>).
We are used to zeroing our balance sheet. Always counting something. If I made a mistake, one side is negative. Then the notion that the balance sheet is zero when the other side is positive, and that we have to be punished for doing so dominates us. Just as if you have done something wrong to your parents, you have to be reviled or beaten to feel better, you must also condemn yourself for your mistakes and repent, and ask God to punish you.
Doctors call modern illness psychosomatic. They seem to be trying not to get sick on the surface, but sometimes they tend to choose a disease and settle for it. In other words, the guilt that one has sinned is to think that I am cheap even if I get sick, and think that I am compensated by being punished for getting sick. The obsession with zeroing out the balance sheet like that is so terrifying that it even makes us sick.
The Pharisees demanded that. But Jesus didn't ask for that and made the balance sheet meaningless by repaying our minuses with grace, regardless of our compensatory efforts, and overflowing rather than pluses. Just like navigation, only the present matters. Now causes the path to be re-searched based on the present. That is, from now on, do not live to pay off the debt on the balance sheet, but instead look back toward the life Jesus gives, and only to re-examine the path forward. That is the word of the Lord, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” It is also the meaning of Paul's words, "run toward the target" only leaning forward. A person who sticks to the balance sheet will never move forward that way.
Many people lament, "Why do I always get away from these problems?" and "Why do I have such a persistent thing?" But it means that you are ready to receive the Lord's love that much. If not, how can you pray, ask the Lord for help, and know the world of grace? Rather, it is a pitiful person who does not feel such a problem at all. If you can say, “Really, why am I like this!”, you are a blessed person.
You can no longer live in that state. We only live by following the navigation connected to Jesus. So, if you look only at the path that Jesus is leading, always based on the present, never look back to the past, and go through the path again and again, you will realize that the problem you suffered so much is a bridge that leads you to the Lord. you will see May the peace of Christ be filled with all of you who have burdens in your heart!
Shalom! Shalom!