Title: Nothing is impossible (Genesis 18:1-15)
Content: God is omnipotent. No one is unaware of this fact. Nevertheless, in real life, they do not believe in the power of God and live. The question of whether there is anything impossible for Jehovah has many meanings for us.
1. Why are you despairing only thinking about your own position? Abraham and Sarah needed a son. But they themselves thought they were too old to give birth.
In verses 11-13, it is written that Abraham and Sarah were old, and Sarah's light had stopped, so Sarah laughed to herself and said, "I am old, how can I have a son?" These words themselves do not see Almighty God, but well express the thoughts of one's own point of view. The phrase “Is there anything impossible for the Lord?” (verse 14) means to look to Almighty God, not to look at yourself as incompetent.
2. Why not turn the eyes of the soul to God Where the eyes of our souls are directed is very important. In John 11:39, when Lazarus died, the Lord told him to remove the stone from the tomb. At that time, Martha refused, saying that she had been dead for four days and already smelled.
Martha's eyes are fixed on the dead Lazarus and on herself, who she thinks is impossible, but does not look to the Lord. Matthew 14:28-3 0 Also in the midst of a storm, when the Lord was walking on the water, Peter said, “If it is given to you, command me to come on the water. There was a time when he was afraid and was falling away, and he cried out, "Lord, save me." When Peter's eyes turned to the Lord, the impossible was possible, but when his eyes turned to the storm, all possibilities were destroyed. Also, when the Israelites were entering Canaan, Moses sent spies. Among the twelve spies, Caleb and Joshua, who depended on God, wanted to enter, but those who saw the opponent's kidneys said it was impossible. When our eyes are on God, anything is possible for us.
3. Why don't you bring to God the problems that you can't solve on your own? The word "Is there anything impossible for the Lord?" is an invitation to those who are burdened with heavy burdens and who are oppressed by problems that cannot be solved by human strength. come to me Is there anything I can't do? It goes one step further and implies the words, "Why are you trying to solve the problem with your own incompetent power instead of bringing your heavy burdens to me?" God wants us to bring our problems to Him during this time as well.