Title: Oath and Prayer (James 05:12-18)
The content oath is not to be taken lightly. Only believers must rely on the Lord with a humble heart. In other words, we must look at, make decisions, and deal with all things prayerfully.
I. Lessons on the Oath
1. Do not take oaths in vain (12) (Matthew 5:33-37) 1) Jews made many oaths (Leviticus 19:12, Numbers 30:2, Deuteronomy 23:21).
(Leviticus 19:12) You shall not profane the name of your God by swearing falsely in my name; I am the LORD.
2) The Jews also graded oaths.
(Matthew 23:16-18) Woe to you, blind guides, you say, "If anyone swears by the temple, nothing happens, but if he swears by the gold of the temple, he will keep it." Is it the temple that sanctifies the temple? You say again, "If anyone swears by the altar, nothing happens, but if anyone swears by the gift on it, he must keep it."
3) The source of the oath and the ability to keep it
An oath must not be made to exaggerate or disguise oneself in bluff. An oath must come from the heart. However, no one has the ability to keep an oath. This is because human beings are ever-changing and corrupted beings beyond sin. Believers are those who know that corrupt human beings will do anything by the grace of the Lord and are not already capable of accomplishing anything by their own power.
2. Loss of oath 1) It is blasphemy.
2) Used a lot of deception 3) It became a means of cunning.
3. The object of the oath - nothing.
1) Heaven - God's throne, do not swear 2) Earth - God's footstool 3) Nothing else - Do not swear - Jerusalem is the king's city. You shouldn't swear because you are (incompetent). It is only hypocrisy to pretend that someone without ability has ability.
4. Only the saints are truthful.
1) Be right with what is right (Matthew 5:37) - A sincere person does not need an oath.
(Mat 5:37) But say what you say is right, yes, no, no, for whatever goes beyond this is of evil
2) Say it's not. - In this way, you will not fall under God's judgment.
II. Lessons on Gratitude (13-18)
1. Times of affliction and times of joy 1) Times of suffering-Pray (Psalm 50:15, Phil 4:6) 2) Times of joy- Praise (Ephesians 5:19, 1 Corinthians 14:15) 3) In this way, with God become a companion
3) Pray earnestly like Elijah when you pray.
let's not swear And let's be people of praise and prayer. Let us also pray for those who are suffering from hardship and disease.