Title: Obedience (Romans 6:16)
Content br> Introduction:
1. Obedience is the evidence that we are saved saints.
If you are a truly saved saint, there is clear evidence of your soul and life.
One of those evidences is obedience. People of God in the Old and New Testaments
Let's look at an example of
They were all obedient people.
2. hupakouw: to give ear, to listen, to listen. accept, obey, obey
peithho: persuade, believe, listen, be convinced.
peitharkeo: follow advice
Main subject:
1. Our form before becoming saints (Romans.11:30.Titus.3;3)
2. Saints are servants of obedience (Rom. 6:16)
3. Objects to which the saints must obey
1) The Triune God (Deuteronomy 13;4. Acts 5;29. John.3:36)
2) Word (truth) (Deuteronomy 28;2.1 Pet.1;22.Rom.16:19)
3) Parents (Eph. 6; 1. Col. 3; 20)
4) Her husband (1 Tim. 2:11. Eph. 5:22-24)
5) Right soul guide (Hebrews 13:17)
6) The superior authorities (Romans.13;1-2.Titus.3:1)
7) Master of the flesh (Ephesians 6:5.Col.3;22.Titus.2;9)
4. Consequences of disobedience (when disobeying the word of fundamental truth)
1) Coordinated retribution: Unsaved and punished (Heb. 2:2-3)
2) Unable to enter the rest (Heb. 3; 18. 4; 6. 11)
3) The soul stumbles (1 Peter 2:8)
4) Falling to the destruction of hell (1 Pet.3:20)
5) Being judged (1 Peter 4:17)
6) Many become sinners (Romans 5:19 before)
7) Not seeing eternal life (After John 3:37)
8) No benefit (after Heb. 13:17)
9) Named after death as a slave to sin (Romans 6:16)
10) Truly unhappy (Prov. 30:17)
5. Consequences of Obedience
1) Name in impartial (Rom.6:16 after)
2) The soul is saved (John 3:36)
3) Received the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32)
4) God is pleased (1 Samuel 15:22)
5) Pleased Jesus (Colossians 3:20)
6) To please the brother of faith (Rom. 16:19)
7) Helping to save my husband (1 Peter.3:1)
8) Showing that you are a daughter of God (1 Pet.3;6)
9) The soul is purified (1 Peter 1:22 before)
10) Loving the brother of faith (1 Peter 1:22 and later)
11) Many become righteous (after Romans 5:19)
1. There is a force that prevents us from obeying. (Ga.5;7)
2. Overcome and obey the forces that disobey them
You must live your whole life as a servant of obedience.