Title: Obey first / Mark 4:30-32
Text: The weapons of our warfare are carnal, but firm before God.
It is a powerful force that destroys one camp; it destroys all theories, and opposes two things that are known to God.
Destroying every exaltation, and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
(2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
Word: According to the book of Job in the Bible, Job also talked a lot when the tribulation approached at first.
(Why do I have to suffer and suffer and why do I have to suffer?
Hey 2? If there is a God, we should meet and have an argument.)
I gave my opinion. God Appears in a Whirlwind
Now Job said [I spoke things that I could not understand on my own, and I did not understand myself.
I have spoken of things that are difficult to understand],” he confessed in Job 42:3.
This is repentance for putting up a theory before God.
In this way, Job also had excuses and his own theories at first, but he
From then on, without any reason or excuse, (what shall I say)
that was a confession.
Therefore, those who have experienced the grace of God have fewer words and no theory.
All. Even today, people who do not know God believe only in human brains.
Because we live, there are many theories and many words. Even though I believe in Jesus,
For those who do not enter into the faith, human logic and way of thinking will follow.
is. That is why it is not worth paying tithing, and we do not keep Sundays very often. That
If you gradually deepen your faith, experience regeneration, and receive the Holy Spirit,
Words disappear and the sacrifice of obedience is offered before the Lord.
Therefore, you must first have the experience of meeting God.
All. Some people first want to gain the faith to be obedient. but woo
When Lee first obeys, the Holy Spirit puts faith in our hearts.
Thus, when we obey God's absolute authority, God, who is good,
Just as He prepared the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve, prepare our entire life.
is to give. What to eat, what to wear, what to drink, how
We don't have to worry about living. Only you and I are one
Do not attach a theory to your authority and absolute authority, just believe, obey, and follow
If you do, the next problem is God's responsibility.
Prayer: Almighty Lord, may we glorify God through our obedience,
No matter what trials you face, keep your faith. I pray in Jesus name
is. Amen.
Lord's Prayer