Title: Obeying God's Word (Lent 26th Day)
(26th Day of Lent)
Obeying God's Word
Genesis 3:1-7
1 <The Beginning of Sin> Among the wild beasts that Jehovah God made, the serpent was the most deceitful and cunning. One day, a snake came to the woman and said, “Did God really say you should not eat from any tree in the garden?”
2 The woman answered the snake. “We can eat the fruit of the tree in the garden.
3 But God said, 'You must not eat or touch the fruit of a tree in the middle of the garden. Otherwise, you may die.'"
4 Then the serpent said to the woman, "You don't die.
5 God said this so that when you eat from the tree and your eyes are opened, you will know good and evil, and you will become like God.”
6 The woman saw that the fruit of the tree was delicious and that it was beautiful to look at. Moreover, the fruit seemed to make a person wise. So the woman took the fruit and ate it, and gave it to her husband next to her, and the man ate it.
7 Then both eyes were opened. When they realized that they were naked, they made clothes out of fig leaves to cover themselves.
Today's sermon is titled "Following God's Word". The object of our faith is God. We believe in God, praise God, worship God, follow God, obey God, and commit ourselves to God. The God we believe in speaks to his children. He wants his children to live upright and wise lives by following the Word.
The problem, however, is that we, the children of God, do not follow the Word of God. Our problem is that we say that we ask for God's guidance with our mouths, but in reality we do not follow God's Word. It's like praying to God that you want to hear God's voice, but you're not very good at hearing God's voice, and even if you actually hear God's voice, you don't follow it.
L beck, Northern Germany (R