Title: Oh Byung-Eye's Blessing
Text: John 6:1-13
2000 years ago, Jesus preached the word on the Sea of Galilee, which was called the ‘Sea of Tiberias’. At that time, under the rule of the Roman Empire, the people who had no hope and had no place to rely on flocked to hear the words of Jesus and to see the miracles He performed. Matthew 14:31 says that there were about 5,000 men, excluding women and children. Jesus wanted to feed the people who had to walk a long way and then walk again. I ask my disciples. “Do you have anything to eat?” "Jesus! What do you mean? Here are the empty fields. There is nothing, even if there is a bakery, I can't prepare it, and I don't have more than 200 denarii to buy it!” he replies. Here, a denarius is a worker's daily wage, which is a large sum of money equivalent to 6-7 months' salary. While reporting that this is not the case, Andrew interrupts, “Jesus! Here a child brought 5 barley loaves and 2 fish”.
This is where the blessings of Obyeong-ear began.
1. The sacrifice of one child brought the blessing of five Byeong-Eye.
When I gave the lunch box my mother had packed to Jesus, the work of blessing appeared. You can't calculate it, you have to give it to solve it.
① Look at the widow of Sarepda!. After serving all of the last remaining food during the famine to God's servant Elijah, the flour and oil in the barrel did not dry out until the drought was over and new grain was harvested. Sacrifice, sacrifice, and self-sacrifice brought about the history of problem solving through God's intervention.
② After the sacrifice of Mary Magdalene, who poured 300 denarii worth of perfume on Jesus' feet and washed her hair with her hair, he was blessed with the blessing, “Where the gospel is preached, what this woman has done will also be preached.” Giving to the Lord seems like sacrifice and loss, but it comes with blessings and miracles. I pray that you will become a person of faith who sacrifices.
2. People's obedience brought the blessing of the five Byeong-Ei
In verse 10, the miracle took place, “He said, ‘Let these people sit down. The miracle would not have happened had it not been for complaining, distrusting, and disobedience. Remember the servants who obeyed at the wedding in Cana!. When we obey, blessings come, signs follow, and problems are solved. I bless you to become such a person of obedient faith.
3. As Jesus gave his congratulations, the blessings of five Byeong-Eye appeared.
There is a limit to people's sacrifice and obedience, so it can only be truly blessed with the blessing of the Almighty Lord. Was the child who gave Jesus his lunch starved? He and everyone in the group ate to his full stomach.
Today is Machu Thanksgiving Day.
What do we give to God?
With what attitude of heart should we give to God?
Dear members of Shepherd Church,
Hallelujah!! Amen.