Title: One Blind / John 9:1-7
In verse 5 of today's text, Jesus says, "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." Verse 4 of the text is a meaningful passage in which Jesus himself declares his mission with his own mouth. “The time is still day, and we must do the work of him who sent me.” What we who have been sent to do Isn’t that the mission? The word ‘mission’ in English is originally derived from the Latin word missio, and the original meaning simply means 'a sending'. Therefore  Michonne means our mission sent. Yes, if Misshon is our mission, our service in this summer season will end our mission. In the upcoming fall, the neighbor love festival to harvest the souls of our neighbors is waiting for us. From now on, we must decide our VIPs and pray. Today we are going to see Michonne's love through the VIP-blind man whom Jesus met. I would like to think about the true meaning of what is the true meaning of the mission that we, who have been sent, deserve to do?
1. It is to make people aware of the blindness of mankind.
2. It is to let people know that Jesus is the Creator.
So what is our mission? It is to let them know that Jesus is the Creator. And to go one step further, to let him know that he is our savior.
3. It is to let people know that Jesus is the Savior.
And also what do you say? See verse 7. “He said to them, ‘Go to the Pool of Siloam and wash. What does Siloam mean? “Siloam, when translated, means sent.” Why the pool of Siloam? This is because the meaning of Siloam was a symbolic place indicating the existence of Jesus. He is the one who was sent by God the Father for our salvation. Shall we look at John 17:3? “Eternal life is to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” That's right. The only One God sent for the salvation of mankind, Jesus Christ He is our Healer and our Savior.
That's right. Our mission is to let people know that this Jesus is our Savior. Now pay attention to what ultimately happened to this blind man. This is also what can happen when we look at our VIPs with loving eyes and lead them to Christ. What happened? See John 9:38. “Lord, I believe.” And he bowed down.” Yes. Confessing Jesus as Lord, he fell down before him and worshiped him. And from then on, he lives with only one testimony wherever he goes. “--I know one thing, that I was blind and now I see” (verse 25). If he had lived in our day today, he would probably have lived with only one song. “I was amazed by the grace of the Lord who saved a sinner like me, and I found the life I lost and found light” (Chan 405)