Title: Our Savior Jesus (Philippians 2:5-11)
our savior jesus
Philippians 2:5-11
The world's most fierce battle for rice bowls is in the sports world. It is because I have to press the opponent to go up. However, this cruelty is not unique to sports. These days, the opposition party is in turmoil over next year's budget. They give a variety of reasons, but in the end, it's because they couldn't take their share. People think that the more they steal from others, the happier they become.
Today's text says, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." The heart of the Lord is the heart of love. A young man in 19th century Europe was moved by this love and went to Molokai Island, where there are about 700 leprosy patients. But even if they preach the gospel for 5 years, no one accepts them. He felt that his healthy body was an obstacle to the spread of the gospel, and he prayed earnestly that his body would also suffer from leprosy. And it really happened as I prayed. When he witnessed the gospel in a distorted form due to the same disease, the patients began to return. In the end, he preached the gospel for several years, saved many leprosy, and put him in the arms of God. This is Father Damien. He often prayed when his body was broken. “Thank God for making me like them.” What could explain the actions of Father Damien, who never married and gave his life only to save leprosy patients? It is love.