Title "Parents' Joy" / 3 John 1:1-4
Many parents in the world say that there is nothing more joyous for their children than having a good school, a good job, and being successful. But the apostle John says there is no greater joy than to hear that your children are walking in the truth. It is the greatest joy for parents that their children walk in the truth. How could our parents make such a confession today?
1. Parents must first have the right values
Parents need to establish values first in order to tell their beloved children that living in the truth is the greatest joy for me today. He who does not know that his soul is important does not care what his child's soul is. Those who live according to their own calculations and methods teach the same to their children. The reason children are not interested in abiding in the truth is that parents themselves do not abide in the truth. We want our children to be healthy, but today's parents are not paying much attention to their children's spiritual decay. Let's first ask if our parents have true Christian values. There is no such joy unless the values of the parents stand first.
2. Teach your children the truth
When children grow up, they leave their parents, and parents are always worried about their children. However, if you have taught your children the word of God well from an early age, you will not have to worry about where your children are. If there are parents who have seen their children shed tears of repentance and experience repeated experiences before God, if their children can make such a confession of faith in front of their parents, the parents can be proud of themselves. These parents should teach their children to experience the filling of the Holy Spirit. Baptisms and weddings are important because they are publicly proclaimed times. It will be the greatest joy in learning and knowing the truth and going from it to proclaiming the truth.
3. Pray for your children
Parents rejoice when their children abide in the truth. This joy is a spiritual and holy joy that is different from the joy of the world. But there are children who hurt their parents. The greatest help you can do for your child is to pray for them in tears. Passing through the valley of tears and through the door of prayer can bring you joy. It is the happiest thing in the world to have parents who pray. There are also people who want to make their wishes come true through their children while raising children. It is a matter for children to be more interested in the things of the world than what they do in the truth. What good is the world's success if our children don't participate in the feast in heaven?
Do you believe that there is only one God? If you believe, I hope you will live a life of unity that serves only God. Do you believe that God is the chosen people from among many people? If you are a chosen person, please believe that I no longer belong to you, but that you are the life you have been called for for the kingdom of God. Do you believe that you are a saved life? As a person who was saved, I hope that you will now become children of God who live righteously and walk in the truth. As we celebrate Mother's Day today, I hope that you will become children of God who rejoice because of the wonderful children who walk in the truth with a humble heart.