Title: Patience, Comfort, and Hope/Romans 15:4
Content 1. The Bible tells us about patience.
1] The patience of the Triune God
A. God's patience [Romans 15:5]
B. Jesus Christ showed the example of patience [2 Thessalonians 3:5]
C. The Holy Spirit, the source of patience [Galatians 5:22]
2] God's patience
A. Long-suffering in wrath [Exodus 34;6 Romans 9:22]
B. Long-suffering for human salvation [Romans 2:4; 2Pe 3:9.15]
3] Building patience
A. Good heart [Luke 8:15]
B. Tribulation [Romans 5:3.4]
C. Trial of faith [James 1:3]
D. Hope [Romans 8:25]
E. Sheng [Romans 15:4]
4] When you need patience
A. The time of tribulation [Luke 21:16-19]
B. When caring for the church [2 Corinthians 12:12]
C. When opposing sin [Rev 2:2.3]
D. When preaching the word [2 Timothy 4:2]
E. In waiting for the second coming of Christ [James 5:7.8]
5] The result of perseverance
A. God's retribution [Matthew 10:22 Luke 21:19 Romans 2:7 l 12:7]
B. Fulfilling refinement and hope [Romans 5:3.4]Romans 15:4
C. Received the promise as an inheritance [Hebrews 10:36]
2. The Bible gives us comfort
1] What does comfort mean?
A. The Bible shows God's love and is the guarantee of God's love.
B. The Bible protects the saints
C. The Bible guides the saints
D. The Bible gives peace and grace to the saints
2] How can we receive God's comfort?
A. Knowing the Word of God
B. Total dependence on God
C. Acting according to the will of the Lord.
D. It is to move forward by faith.
3] Who are the saints who received God's comfort?
end. I am at peace
B. I live by feeling the love that God gives me
C. The joy and gratitude of serving will overflow in your heart.
D. God's blessings are guaranteed to the saints who are comforted
3. The Bible gives hope to the saints.
1] What do saints need to live with hope?
A. Hope of eternal life [Titus 1:2]
B. Hope for material things [Acts 24:26]
C. Spiritual hope [Romans 15:4]
D. Eternal hope [Colossians 1:5 1 Peter 1:3]
2] Various expressions of hope
A. There is a blessed hope [Titus 2:13]
B. There is an oxygen network [1Pe 1:3]
C. There is a good hope [2 Thessalonians 2:16]
D. There is a firm hope [Hebrews 6:19]
E. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 13:13]
3] In what form does hope appear to the saints?
A. Appears in a clean form [1 John 3:3]
B. Be patient [Romans 8:25]
C. Have courage [Romans 5:4.5]
D. There is joy [Romans 12:12]
E. It is not shaken [Colossians 1:23]
4] The grace of God received by having hope
A. You will be saved [Romans 8:24]
B. Participate in the resurrection [Acts 23:6]
C. To share in glory [Romans 5:2]
D. Receive God's blessing