Title: Patience in Tribulation (Romans 12:10-13)
Content The word tribulation in the text refers to the various trials and tribulations that life goes through. The original Greek word for the word tribulation is tripis, which means oppression, oppression, tribulation, hardship, etc. In English, it is translated as Trivulation, that is, hardship, or Affication, that is, suffering.
Therefore, it can be understood that the original meaning of this word refers to all difficulties caused by external circumstances. To be patient in tribulation would mean to show patience in all your tribulation. It means to endure all suffering, whether it be mental, material, or physical.
Suffering is inevitable in life. It might be a bastion that is one fatal thing. For those who live a good and good life in this wicked and lewd generation, this problem of hardship comes more seriously. The bigger the tree, the stronger the wind blows, so hardships and trials often come to the saints who rejoice in hope, stand firm in the faith and serve the Lord diligently with the service of love, just like Job did in the old days.
How should we face such irresistible hardships and trials? There are two ways. There will be a way to passively avoid it, or to resign yourself as a fate. But the Bible tells us to be patient when we face tribulation. This is a very aggressive method.
Then the question arises as to why we have to endure this suffering. To know this, if you first find out what kind of suffering there is, you will naturally find the answer.
1. There is judgmental suffering.
After God created man in the beginning, it was very good (Genesis 1:31). But why did human life, which was so well-made, become a valley of tears? This is not by God's fickle providence or by fate. This is the result of human arrogance and unbelief transgression of the will of God.
'As the saying goes, 'The sinful soul will die, or the wages of sin is death, some sufferings result from human sin or error. In this way, the suffering that comes from my error can be seen as judgmental suffering. It can be said to be self-sufficient, self-sufficient. While suffering for my faults, in most cases, people blame others or turn their arrows to God.
2. There is a substitutionary suffering.
The pain of Jeremiah, who shed endless tears as he looked at Israel as he went, falls into this category.
Jesus became incarnate to remove the devil, who had held the power of death through death, and to release all those who were enslaved throughout their lives because they were afraid of death (Hebrews 2:14,15). The Lord came to this earth to fight sin. There was a prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and the suffering of Calvary on the cross to redeem life from the penalty of sin.
These sufferings are not caused by sin, but rather because of love. When we worry about the suffering of our neighbors, unspeakable suffering follows. It is like the feeling of a parent watching it next to a sick child lying in bed.
3. There is a didactic hardship.
This physical weakness forced Paul to rely more and more completely on God's grace. He found such overflowing graces in active service under the most difficult conditions. He realized that when he was weak it made him more dependent on God and that was the strongest time for Paul. Suffering is also a warning sign of danger in life. A child who has been burned will never come close to the fire again.
The Bible tells Christians to rejoice in suffering. (1 Peter 1:6) According to 1 Peter 4:12,13, dear friends, do not marvel at the fiery trials that try you and come as strange things happen to you, but only that you are the Christ. to rejoice in sharing in the sufferings of
The saints who are groaning in the midst of hardships and trials! Rather, rejoice and endure it all with joy. Suffering is beneficial to us who have been saved. Among the famous Sermons on the Mount that Jesus spoke, there is a saying like this. Blessed are you when they curse and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me; rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven (Matthew 5:11,12).
Even a person like Moses in the Old Testament times refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's princess, but instead wanted to suffer with God's people, enjoying the pleasures of sin for a while.
He said that he preferred to enjoy the reward rather than to enjoy it (Hebrews 11:24-26).
According to the apostle Peter's words, therefore, now you were forced to be grieved for a while because of various trials, but on the contrary, we rejoice greatly. That the trial of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes even though it is tried by fire, may be praised, glorified, and honored at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
Because they are the saints who are looking forward to these precious glory, rewards, and crowns, they have to endure temptation. James 1:12 Blessed is he who endures temptation. For after this has been approved, he has promised that he will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
Nearly half of all U.S. presidents, 18, are said to have never had a college education. They are people who were born into poor families and walked down the thorny path of hardship. What does this mean? It means that a strong human cannot come out without suffering. It is also a testimony to the benefits of suffering. Just as hard wood that has been subjected to weathering for a long time is used for high-quality furniture, and just as placer gold becomes valuable pure gold only after being refined in a molten steel furnace, suffering makes a person. It makes people of prayer. Create citizens of the glorious kingdom of heaven.
That is why he said to be patient with those who are afflicted. Is there anyone among you who suffers? He will pray (James 5:13), so let's pray and be patient. Let's wait for that glorious day to be given to us.
Those who look at the rainbow when it is raining, and those who look at the dawn when it is dark and deep at night. This is the attitude of a believer. Only when we have this kind of faith will we be able to endure any difficulties and obtain the crown of victory.