Title: Peace of Mind (Phil 04:4-7)
Contents For peace in a family, there must be peace in the hearts of the family. The world is constantly crying out for peace, but there are constant wars and rumors of war in various places. The reason is that there is no peace in the hearts of individual human beings. No one can have true joy or happiness without peace in his heart. Most people think that they will be happy if they have a lot of material, status, honor, and authority.
Happiness without peace is a lie. Then where can we find true peace
1. As the problem of guilt was resolved1) When Adam sinned, he immediately felt the guilt of guilt and hid in fear and anxiety, the fruits of sin.
(1) There is a condemnation of conscience in the ego.
(2) Fear of being caught by others or the law.
(3) Anxiety about God's judgment 2) Confession of sin and faith in Jesus (1) If we confess our sins (1 John 1:9).
(2) Jesus’ atoning sacrifice (3) The experience of a postal robber
2. Because we cast heavy burdens on God (Philippians 4:4-7).1) Do not worry about anything anxiety suffocates the soul like poison gas. 2) Through prayer and supplication in all things 3) The peace of God that surpasses understanding (1) Until peace takes over the heart (2) The guidance of the Holy Spirit
3. By learning to be content (Philippians 4:11-13).1) When you are lowly, when you are hungry, when you are in need, do not feel grumbling, lamenting, feeling inferior or frustrated 2) When you are rich, when you are full, Arrogant and not arrogant.
4. By letting go of envy, jealousy, and anger
5. Through the comfort of the Holy Spirit1) The martyrdom of Stephen, the prison of Paul and Silas (Conclusion): The fearful competition in life, the pressure and stress of frantic work... We live in a world full of I read that no matter how loud a typhoon is, it is quiet below 10m below the sea. When we have peace deep within our hearts, we can live with incredible joy and happiness in a changing and noisy world.