Title: Pentecost
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They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them utterance. At that time devout Jews from all the nations of the world were staying in Jerusalem. When this sound was heard, a great crowd gathered, each one hearing the disciples speaking in their own tongue, and were in a commotion, and all were amazed and marveled, saying, Behold, are not all these speaking Galileans? What is it that we hear each of us in the tongue of the country of our birth? We are the Pathans and the Medes and the Elamites, and also Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt. and those who live in the provinces of Libya, which is close to Gua and Cyrene, and foreigners from Rome, Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, we all hear in our own tongues speaking the great things of God. Astonished and perplexed, they said to one another, "What is this?" Others mocked, saying, "They are drunk with new wine." (Acts 2:4-13)
Today is Pentecost Sunday. The fifth Sunday from the resurrection and ascension of the Lord is celebrated as Pentecost Sunday. We earnestly wish that today's worship service will not be a worship service celebrating the Day of Pentecost, but that the event of Pentecost will take place among us.
Pentecost is the birthday of the church. The church that became the body of Christ started with the incident of Pentecost by breaking the religion woven with the legacy of long history and tradition and the temple religion, the concentrated symbol of that religion, and starting anew with the grace and influence of Jesus' words and the Holy Spirit. Let's pray together that our church today will be a Korean-Japanese church whose whole body is reborn from the foundation and pillars only through the influence of the Holy Spirit and the word of Christ.
The Pentecostal Church, which was born as the Holy Spirit became a midwife, was a united church. Since our church has already become a Hanil Church, I pray that we will be united together like bread dough to achieve the glory of the Lord.
The Pentecostal Church was an evangelizing church. The evangelism fever that began on the Day of Pentecost swept all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth, creating the season of Christ. Today, our church hopes that there will be more than enough to fill this temple by creating a fever of evangelism starting from this day. Next Sunday, all the members of the church will visit and evangelize around the church, and I hope that the second half of this year will continue to drive the enthusiasm for evangelism.
With this year's Pentecost as an opportunity, I pray that the church of Christ will be filled with the Holy Spirit and become a channel through which the wind of the Holy Spirit can communicate and prosper.