Title: People Who Carried the Cross (2009.3.15)
Date: March 15, 2009
Word: Mark 15:21-27
Title: People Who Carried the Cross
There were other people besides Jesus who carried the cross around the cross of Jesus. We want to receive grace by looking at who carried which cross.
cross of jesus christ
The cross carried by Jesus Christ is a cross destined for mankind. The purpose of Jesus coming to this earth was to carry the cross.
The charges of Jesus Christ in the court of Pilate
He was the son of God. He is clearly the Son of God, but he is a king who gave up his throne for sinners. He was the king of the Jews. He was the King of the Jews, but he was not a king to rule, but a king to serve. Outside the gate were the lowly and lowly, those who were sick and called unclean, and weak and weak shepherds.
Simon's Cross
He was from Cyrene in North Africa, and he came to the Holy Land to join Judaism and participate in the Passover. Although he was forced to carry the cross, his relationship changed and his family changed. A moment's suffering became eternal glory. His wife served as the mother of the apostle Paul and the early church. Two sons, Alexander and Rufus, became leaders of the early church. Short life Let's live according to the Lord's will and become fathers and mothers of faith.
two thieves cross
Jesus Christ spent the last moment with low, lowly and evil robbers. It was the last chance given to the robbers. Today, the Lord of mercy and compassion gives you a chance. “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household”, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”, “The ax is laid in the beak of the tree, and if anyone does not bear fruit, it will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”
The two robbers opened the door to a new heaven. When we repent and confess, the gates of heaven are opened. The way of salvation, the way of life, the way to paradise was opened to him.
cross of saints
You gave it all up for me, but what can I give you? You have given up your heavenly throne and your own life. What can we give you? The cross is not romantic. The cross is life and death. Jesus dies and I live. The old man dies and the new man lives.