Title: People Who Make Up the Church
Word: Acts 11:19-26
Title: People Who Make Up the Church
Since the birth of mankind, since God established the church, the devil and his groups have persecuted all kinds of means and methods to destroy the church, but the church has only grown. The Antioch Church was also born out of this persecution. It is a church built with tears. It is a church built on the Word.
1. The church built with the blood of martyrs (verse 19)
The Antioch Church was founded by the martyrdom of Stephen Deacon. Although there is no direct relationship, the martyrdom of Stephen caused Christians to be persecuted and scattered, and the scattered people to establish churches. Just as the death of one person establishes the church that pleases the Lord, and the death of Jesus completes the salvation of mankind, the church becomes a church only when I die. The Lord's pleasing church is built when I die.
2. The Church of Unknown Christians (verse 20)
3. The Church with the Lord (verse 21)
The church where Jesus left is a building with only a cross, and there is no more life and no hope there. The Antioch church is above all a church where the Lord is with us. The church with Jesus is never overcome by the powers of Hades. The church with the Lord has authority, power, forgiveness and love. Therefore, a lot of people gather.
4. The church made up of the Word (verse 26)
The Word of God is alive and active, producing miracles and powers beyond our knowledge. The church with the Word has life, and the saints who have the Word have life. Faith without words is like a tower of thought. The members of the Antioch Church embraced the Word. As a result, for the first time, they were called “Christians”. When we are filled with the Word based on faith, we are recognized as belonging to Christ.
A beautiful and good church is built and established with the help of someone's sacrifice, hard work, dedication, and the word of God. Let's become the cornerstones of the church, knowing that you yourself will build the church that pleases the Lord.