Title: Perfect Neighbor Love / Matthew 5:43-48
Perfect Neighbor Love / Matthew 5:43-48
In the past week, for the first time in my life, driving alone, I think I ran about 1500 km to and from Seoul twice.
Even though I was tired, it was a good time for me, so I was very grateful.
My eldest sister and brother-in-law, who were rarely sincere and did many good things for others, had been married for more than 20 years, and then they moved in with a house of about 30 pyeong with a bit of room to spare. So that's why I went.
I like the older sister's family, who is not in a hurry to satisfy her own greed and lives in a way that does not suit her status or age.
Even the little brother-in-law here, Mr. Choi, still seems to like the frugality of driving a junk car that is about to be scrapped.
Please forgive me for starting today by boasting about my family.
The part that I respect the most while watching the two brothers-in-law is the relationship between them.
The theme of this sermon is 'love of neighbor'.
I think that 'human relations' is the mark that proves whether I love my neighbor or not.
Personality doesn't make relationships good or bad.
People who give more than they receive have good relationships.
All people have an invisible wall between them and those who are related to them.
For some, the wall is high, for another, the wall is low, and with another, there is no wall.
Living close doesn't mean there aren't walls, and just because you're far apart doesn't mean you're not tall.
The relationship between husband and wife and between rich and poor can become like enemies.
You will remember all the times you laughed while watching the Make a Better World show.
How deeply unfaithful the generations of our grandfathers and grandmothers have lived.
While playing a quiz game, the moderator gave the topic 'Being in Heaven'.
Grandpa said to Grandma.
"between you and me"
Then the grandmother's answer was
"Not that, but four letters"
"Yeah, for the rest of my life."
The 'dam' means that when I sacrifice and give, two steps are lowered.
When I receive from an opponent, it is lowered by one level.
Even if you have given and received, when it is related to calculations, if you are high, you are high, but in the real sense, you are not low.
In the case of my grandfather and grandmother I mentioned earlier, I understood and forgave everything as I got older.
The life she had lived while young was not her husband, but her enemy.
A couple's relationship is not a relationship of interest. It is a give-and-take relationship.
This is the truth I only came to think of while being away from my family for this week.
What did I give my wife?
Come to think of it, there were things that demanded understanding and only complained, but gave little.
If one continues to give and the other continues to receive,
It may feel like there is no fence, but there is something serious about it.
The gap was large because there was little to no give and take.
A fence is only happy when the height felt by two people is the same.
A wise couple is a couple who share in giving and receiving, and a wise family is
It is sharing the give-and-take between parents and children.
If children only receive from their parents and do not give them, they cannot form a good relationship as a filial son.
<General rules of the world>
How can we make this world beautiful?
The only way is love.
Jesus says, 'Love your enemies' in the Word.
So, did the Law tell us to hate our enemies?
It's not like that.
The Old Testament law also tells us to love our enemies.
in verse 43
"And you have heard it said, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemies."
It is said
It does not refer to the Old Testament law (Exodus 23:4,5; Deut 23:7)
This is an interpretation of the law that was distorted in the Jewish society at that time.
They began to limit their neighbors, emphasizing the need to love them.
He drew a line to the family, the village, and even the nation.
And with respect to others, he cut off ties and remained completely like an enemy.
National consciousness and local consciousness seem to be good, but they are really bad customs.
When going abroad, national consciousness becomes a fence.
So far, I don't care much about province or school level.
In our country, local consciousness becomes the fence.
When entering the region, the east gate, the family family, and the east gate become another fence.
What is it that should be a hindrance to sharing love?
In a country like India, the caste system, which is a wall of status that cannot be broken down to this day, has become a cancer that cannot make the country healthy and rich.
It's not what God said
The national and tribal consciousness that prevents us from loving everyone has made those we should love our enemies.
In order to love each other more deeply within the narrow fence, outside the fence, in a relationship where we can become enemies
Please see that this terrifying ritual of wall-breaking is ingrained in the human mind.
First, it is the principle of building a wall with your enemies while being close to your neighbors.
God made Israel one 'us' in order to love and serve many other 'us'.
It was said to Abraham that ?쏿ll nations will be blessed through you??It was the word that allowed us to see the kingdom of heaven in Christ, who will become one through Jesus Christ.
However, the more the people of Israel became stronger, the more thoroughly they were with other peoples.
It was the work of building a wall.
Those who love people who separate people from other nations will inevitably build another wall within them. This is a terrifying trap.
Take a look at some of the peoples of this planet.
Countries like Japan and Germany, which tried to grow their country by stimulating national consciousness, may seem good to others because they are prosperous countries, but in those countries, right-wing nationalists are a big obstacle to uniting the country and globalization.
In the case of Israel and our country, there is no big difference in the national consciousness, only the shape is different.
It is only the difference between the people who ruled and the people who were ruled.
That 'dam' makes those who can be loved as enemies.
No learning, status, or honor can overcome that wall.
Once I'm inside this wall, I don't understand the thoughts or actions of the people on the other side of the wall. That's why I can't even love you.
Second, the one who loves loves, but the one who hates hates to the end.
To a person who loves, everything they do looks lovely, but to a person who hates, everything they do looks only hateful.
Don't you all have something like this?
This is the general world law.
See verse 46.
?쏧f you love those who love you, what reward do you have?
Aren't tax collectors like this?"
The tax collector is a person who represents the world.
The tax collectors were like that, but Jesus treated even the tax collectors equally and loved them.
Third, the principle is that brothers and family are on my side, and everyone else is others.
It is my instinct to love my brothers and my family as if I were my own body.
See verse 47.
?쏛nd if you greet only your brothers, what do you do more than others?
Are not the Gentiles like this?"
The more you go into the family, the more well-equipped you will live as if you had no daughter who was not a princess and no son who was not a prince. However, the fences of other people's homes and my own are getting much higher than before.
There is an old saying that 'Children's fights become adult's fights', but now it's true that it's definitely overdone.
My family is completely on my side, and everyone else's family is a stranger.
<The Law of the Kingdom of God>
The Lord is telling us to break these laws of the world in the words of the text.
And the standard is based on 'the perfection of the Father'.
The content is to make everyone a neighbor, to love everyone, and to make everyone part of my family.
Only the children of God must live in the kingdom of God.
However, this is the proof of being a child of God.
?쏬ove your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.??It is a message to love your enemies and bless those who persecute you.
This may be an impossible request.
But we should pay more attention to the following words than that.
?쏧f you do this, you will become sons of your Father who is in heaven, because God
makes it shine on the wicked and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."
What did you consider to be the sign of being a child of God?
This is not a visible sign to our eyes, but a visible sign of the living God.
Even if the people in the world say that they are children of God, if God does not acknowledge that it is, there is no need.
We put too much evidence of being children of God in the 'sun and rain'.
If those who will be harmed receive harm, and those who will receive rain receive rain, it is thought that it is a blessing and a token that the children of God enjoy.
However, the text of the text does not say that.
There is no such obscure evidence as that.
Rather, the sun and the rain fall equally on the good and the evil.
Even children of God can be harmed and poor.
But the most sure sign of a child of God is
A person who has no enemies around him.
Rather, he is a person who can embrace, understand, and even pray for blessings for those who harm him.
Do not set the mark of your being a child of God on the distinction you receive visibly from God.
Let it be the life of a child that is recognized by God regardless of person.
Don't try to impress people.
Impress God.
"God! This is enough for me to be the son of God. Are you a daughter of God???
No matter what anyone says, you are the people of the kingdom of God.
Just as it is a blessing to impress your parents, it is a blessing to impress God.