Title: Peter's New Morning (John 21:3-6)
Contents New Year's commemoration service sermon material
Peter's New Morning (John 21:3-6)
Peter was a fisherman who had lived in the sea all his life, and he was a man of great skill in catching fish. But one day, he labored all night at sea, but got nothing. Then the Lord came to Peter. And he told them to go into the depths and cast their nets. Jesus, the son of a carpenter who doesn't know much about fishing. But when Peter obeyed the Lord, something amazing happened. Let's take a look at what happened to Peter that day, and what we should be like in order to live a life of fulfilling something like Peter.
It was a night of failure (verse 3) - When Peter cast his net on himself, he could not get anything and had to spend a night in which he had no choice but to be discouraged by the constant failures. There are many times when we who live in this world depend on ourselves like Peter. In the end, all we experience is failure and frustration.
It was the morning of victory (v. 6) - Peter obeyed the Lord, who did not know much about fishing. Then he was able to catch so many fish that the nets were torn. From a physical point of view, the Lord was only a carpenter's son, but from a spiritual point of view, He was the Son of God the Creator. As we depend on this Lord, we will surely become smart.
The morning of the new year is dawning. Who we depend on and obey during this year will make a huge difference in our lives. We hope that we will all face the morning of victory with a wise choice.