Title: Peter's Vision (Acts 10:9-23)
You can see the God who was looking for the Gentiles and the God who was looking for his people. No one can stop the heart of a father looking for the prodigal son. If God is looking for Gentiles, God has sought Gentiles to such an extent that he forsakes his people Israel. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians (Ephesians 2:13-16), “Now you, who were formerly afar off, have been drawn near by the blood of Christ in Christ Jesus, for he is our peace. has abolished in his own flesh the law of the commandments pertaining to , that he might reconcile the two by forming in himself one new man, and reconciling the two to God in one body through the cross.”
We are now studying how Peter and Cornelius met. Let's read verses 9-11. God first went to Cornelius and showed him a vision. ‘Your alms and prayers have been accepted by God. Invite Peter.’ So, he called the godly servants and invited Peter. However, God did not only show the vision to Cornelius, but also to Peter at the right time. What was the vision that appeared to Peter? Verse 11
At the sixth hour, noon, Peter went up on the roof to pray. Korea has a triangular roof. So it doesn't make sense to pray on the roof. But the Jewish roof is flat. Climb up to rest and pray. It was noon time. It was a hungry hour, so Peter went to pray and thought about something to eat. In verse 10, it says, “He was hungry and wanted to eat.” And at that time some people were preparing food. Peter must have remembered for food because he was hungry, and someone was preparing it, so something to eat appeared at that very moment. There were some very strange food items. Before we dive into the fantasy content, there are a few things to think about.