Title /Philippians 4:2?...
There are things that make us fail. They are division, anxiety, selfishness, pride and pride. As Christians, we often fail in our daily lives, despite our victorious lives. Failure is caused by individual problems or the surrounding environment, but what is the more fundamental reason? Those who do not know God's principles well are like a person who is going to Busan, wandering without knowing what to ride and how to get there. Now, let's find out how to live a Christian life of strength, fullness, and joy through the text.
First, the driving force of Christian life is unity in the Lord.
Second, the driving force of Christian life is rejoicing in the Lord. Paul continues to tell the saints to rejoice in the Lord. The world sees the creation in the world and rejoices over it, but Christians should rejoice in the Lord's works in the Lord. This is because God still lives and is with us, and we have the hope of sitting together on the throne of glory in the last days. Joy is the source of strength in our lives. It allows us to rid ourselves of sinful pleasures and to triumph in any tribulation and extreme suffering. Even if our lives are full of problems, we cannot help but rejoice if we only look to the Lord. For that reason, we live our lives enjoying our daily lives, not the boring life that we cling to forcibly. The reason that Paul was able to overcome all those difficult circumstances was because he believed that the Lord was with him. We too must live in the assurance of the Lord's presence and the Lord's guidance.
Third, the driving force of the Christian life is tolerance toward all people. "Let all men know your generosity, for the Lord is near." The Greek word for "tolerance" means "to yield, to be gentle, to be reasonable, to be generous, to be moderate." This is the opposite of contention and exaggeration, rigor and harshness. The tolerant Christian life is a heart that makes people tolerate losses for the sake of peace and give up their rights. Paul rebuked the spirit of accusation among brothers by asking, "Is it not less for you to suffer injustice?" (1 Corinthians 6:7). Tolerance is both a cause and an effect of joy. Discord cannot exist when there is tolerance towards all. The goal of the tolerant -"The Lord is near" - is the Second Coming of the Lord. Therefore, the appearance of quarrels like the world does is not a beautiful life as a citizen of heaven. As citizens of heaven, we must live a life that sets an example for unbelievers. I should be willing to give up my rights and live a life of tolerance and kindness to others. The basis of all of this is the basic Christian image given in Jesus.
Fourth, the driving force of the Christian life is a life of overcoming anxiety. worry? This is the greatest enemy of Christian joy. Worry arises from not living according to God's will, but from being occupied with worldly things, not being satisfied with God's things, wanting to possess, and not believing in God. Matthew 6:25-34 mentions not to be anxious six times. Let's look at an example of anxiety ① In Genesis 32:6-12, through Joseph and Esau, when we hate, anxiety comes to us. ②In Matthew 6:25,28,31, the problem of food, food, and main ③In 1Sa 10:2, the loss of the donkey ④In Matthew 6:34, the uncertainty of tomorrow ⑤In Luke 2:48, John 4:46-49 He is worried and worried about his son's death and disease problems. As a result of such anxiety, ① God’s word does not bear fruit, so great and great works cannot be accomplished (Matthew 13:22) ② We cannot move forward further because we are falling into destruction and destruction (1 Tim. 6:9).