Title: Prayer 1 "Jesus' Prayer" (2004.9.5)
Date: September 5, 2004
Word: Luke 22:39-46
Title: Jesus' Prayer
Description: The Lord who became incarnate seems to have prayed the most of his life. That is why he even told the saints that prayer is spiritual breathing.
1. Prayer to follow the habit
There is a saying that if you sow a habit you will reap a character, if you sow a character you will reap a life. Bad habits are hard to break and good habits are hard to form. The best habit is the habit of praying.
* Jesus had a habit of praying.
Beginning of public ministry: fasting and praying in the wilderness for 40 days
Public Life Period: Chasing customs and going out to the Mount of Olives
When carrying the cross: Pray in the Garden of Gethsemane as the text says
* Jesus took prayer very seriously.
Luke 19:45-46 He drove out those who traded and changed coins in the temple with a whip, saying that my house will be called a house of prayer.
2. Jesus’ prayer is a prayer that heaven helps
Verse 43 says, “And an angel appeared to Jesus from heaven and gave him strength.”
What prayers does heaven help?
* When we follow the will of heaven (verse 42)
“Not my will, but your will.”
* Heaven helps you when you pray with passion.
Matthew 26:39 With his face to the ground he fell on his face and prayed
In verse 44, Jesus prayed more earnestly and with all his might, his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
3. Pray that you will not fall into temptation
Twice in the text of Jesus, he earnestly asked his disciples.
Pray that you will not fall into temptation
* The devil is like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
* If we do not pray, everyone will be subjected to all kinds of trials and fall. If you pray, you will not pass into temptation, and if you do not pray, you will not pass into temptation.
4. Jesus’ prayer is a prayer for devotion
He never prayed for himself, he prayed for others.
You may pray for yourself with tears, but it is difficult to shed tears for others.