Title: Prayer and Healing (Acts 16:16-18)
Diseases can be broadly classified into three categories. Diseases of the body, diseases of the mind, and diseases of the soul (spiritual diseases) are divided. This disease is not separate, it is closely related. Physical diseases are visible diseases such as cancer, neuralgia, diabetes, etc., mental diseases are neurosis, anxiety, anxiety, neurological diseases, and corrupt habits, and spiritual diseases are mental diseases, demon-possessed diseases, unknown diseases and pains, etc. This is a spiritual disease.
1. The process of getting sick
(1) God has placed invisible autonomic nerves in all the organs of the body. When this nerve is weakened, the organ becomes ill. If this nerve is strong, even if a disease comes, it can overcome itself.
(2) All these nerves are active by connecting the spine, and the spine is directly connected to the brain (head), and the brain is related to thoughts and mind.
(3) Thought and mind are connected to the soul, so without faith, no one can live right. Even if you live healthy, when hardships approach, your soul, mind, and body will become ill.
2. Mental illness and spiritual illness cannot be cured without the action of Satan (the devil) and the spirit of delusion (evil spirit).
(1) Illness of the mind: It is an activity of an evil spirit, so it is impossible by one's own strength, and there are some differences depending on the environment.
(2) Disaster, discord, and failure: The succession of these things are all spiritual diseases.
(3) Serving the devil: This disease is deeply gripped by the power of Satan (demon, demon), so he escapes and is connected to his family.
3. What is the exact time and reason for disease to come to humans?
(1) It is recorded in Genesis 3:1-19.
(2) Result: Acts 8:4-8, 16:16-18
(3) Who brought it - Genesis 3:1,15, 2 Corinthians 12:7
(4) Why did you come in?
4. How can it be cured?
(1) Spiritual illness: mental illness, possessed disease
If you defeat it in the name of Jesus and keep praying and have faith, it will go away by itself.
(2) Illness of the heart: It is the activity of the spirit of delusion, so we can overcome it if we are filled with the Holy Spirit. If left alone, it will transfer to physical illness.
(3) Physical illness: When a person becomes ill, the power of the disease itself (2 Corinthians 12:17) is abused, so if a person who has accepted Jesus prays in the name of Jesus, the source of the disease (the source of the disease: the cause) will immediately depart. If you pray with faith (word, prayer, and the filling of the Holy Spirit), the weakened body and nerves are healed by food (medicine), a normal life of faith and faith according to the Word (faith entrusted to God).
5. The reason why praying in Jesus name will heal you
(1) Because the fundamental problem is solved (John 1:12, 1 John 3:2,8)
(2) Because the source of the disease leaves (Acts 16:16-18)
(3) It was finished on the cross (Isa 53:5,6)6. This power was granted to all believers.
⊙ Mark 3:14,15, Matthew 10:1-3, Luke 9:1-4, 10:1-3, 17-20, Acts 5:16, 8:7, Mark 16:17