Title: Praying brings joy / Acts 21:14
Text: Because he is not persuaded, let it be done according to your will.
And I have ceased (Acts 21:14)
Word: The third missionary journey of the Apostle Paul has now come to an end. Apostle
When Paul arrived in Caesarea on a walking tour, many Saints were in Jerusalem.
refused to go up. In particular, the prophet Agabus said that Paul now
He prophesied that he would suffer in Rem. Even Paul's companions are examples of Agabus
After hearing the words, he felt that a crisis had come, and he and the Caesarean disciples
join in
But the Apostle Paul decided for the name of Jesus
He was prepared to be persecuted and to die in Jerusalem. the apostle Paul
Go according to God's will for you and obey God's timing
He spoke harshly to the saints. All [According to the will of the Lord]
Lost], I could not stop him any longer, so I sent the apostle Paul. just buy
Paul realized God's will and God's timing and
He went on to fulfill his mission.
God's plan and God's will for us in our religious life
There is this. As we work accordingly, God will open our hearts
It grants great wishes. Then from the depths of our hearts God
The courage to obey God's will and the right time will spring up and we will do it.
After you clearly understand God's will and God's timing, no sacrifice or suffering will occur.
you will bear it. It doesn't matter if everyone makes fun of it, but rather rejoices.
accept it as Jesus also solved the sins, diseases, curses and sufferings of all mankind.
He gladly accepted the suffering of the cross for the sake of salvation. Hebrews 12:2
The verse is [For the joy that is set before him, he endured the cross and
He was not righteous, and he is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.]
If you work reluctantly without joy, you have not yet understood the will of God.
It is proof that the time of God has not come. Apostle Paul, the beloved
The towns stopped him from going, but he headed for Jerusalem with joy. Apostle
Because the will of God was made known to Paul, and the time had come, he gained courage and
It was an indescribable joy. to do God's will and at the right time
No matter how hard I work, I never get tired or annoyed. as well as how
Even a sacrifice is accepted with joy. Then how can we understand the will of God?
can i know the time? It is to communicate with the Holy Spirit through the Bible and through prayer.
possible when. Let's become a family that achieves the maturity of faith through this.
Prayer: Living Lord. We will always live a life according to God's will
Please help me to fulfill my duties. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Praying through prayer: for the soldiers in the front
Lord's Prayer