Title: Precepts with authority / John 7:14-24
Content [Introduction]
For a powerful lesson.
1. The source of the lesson / It must be a word from God.
(1) The people were surprised-Where did you learn to write? = Under which rabbi did you learn it?
Rabbi Education = Doubts about authority and qualifications.
Qualifications of a rabbi = learning from an authoritative rabbi + citing authoritative writings
+ Using a unique biblical interpretation method.
They were astonished because Jesus had done just that.
(2) Jesus' rebuttal = Teacher Rabbi is God the Father. God the Father's Word
Quotation. As we will see a little later, the teaching method is the rabbinical Bible.
Fluent use of interpretation methods. So, can you say that you are a rabbi among rabbis?
(3) How dark is our country today? suffer from body aches for what
Are you sick like this? --- There are several reasons. Without a teacher, an authoritative lesson
it is because there is no There are many teachers, but no teachers, there are many words, but authority.
there are no lessons
*The teaching of Christ is the teaching of authority. It is a word from God
Because. The Word of God destroys all the solid ideas of the world.
---You can transcend all classes and embrace all positions in one hand.--
It clearly distinguishes between good and evil that are intertwined together. ---- Cunning tricks
Reveal and uncover vain lies.
-----Be pure and brighten your eyes, be honest and rejoice in your heart, be perfect
saves the soul ---A father's heart to his children, a husband's heart to his wife,
Turning the hearts of politicians to the people.
* Christians know that the Word of God is such a powerful word.
Because of unbelief, false teachers prevail in the world, and false teachings
By hitting the board, he deceives the people, drives them mad, and causes them to wander and suffer.
* The second qualification of Christ is to have authority in teaching.
The second qualification of a Christian is also an authoritative instruction from God.
said to have received who have not received this powerful instruction from God
Sleeping is not a Christian. Anyone who does not acknowledge it after receiving it is a liar
*Today, in order to treat the pain of our family and our country, we must first
Above all else, we Christians should keep in our hearts the doctrine that the church has authority.
You have to hold it tight with both hands.
2. It must be the content of the lesson/word that represents God.
The next important thing is the content of the lesson.
Tens of thousands of believers are preaching the Bible to the world, but tens of thousands of churches are teaching the Bible.
It is a problem because the content of the teaching has no authority.
These words that we personally convey to the world, the church, the members and the world
These teachings contain God
there should be
(1) testify of who God is, (2) what He really is here and now
You have to tell me what you want.
That's all, but it's enough to tell.
If God is really God, we can only preach God and His wisdom and commands.
You will be able to solve all human problems!
Both greed, lies, hate, and spiritual and physical diseases---disbelief----death are also resolved by these words.
can do.
The problem is that they say that they preach the word, and that they say that they teach the word.
Conveying a stereotyped God like a portrait, cut out, bent, and veiled
As God's will was taught, the authority of the Word was lost.
Today, the movement that each individual Christian and church should engage in is through these words.
It is a movement that reveals God and His will.
3. It should be taught in a way/behavior of a lesson.
However, authority is not enough with those two alone. who preach it and teach it
It also depends on how you communicate and teach it.
The word we received from Christ is the true word of God.
The person who preaches it must do it right to have authority and power.
Jesus taught well with words, but it doesn't end with words, but always with actions.
Moved. His teachings were in words of action.
*"You are possessed by a demon" = A group of people who do not know the conspiracy of the Jews.
The motive of the conspiracy---the Sabbath event
The Sabbath incident = The 38-year-old man was healed by the pool of Bethesda.
John chooses one and tries to state his point.
"Sabbath labor ---violation--death"
Circumcision---why not to heal the whole body---while making the parts whole?
*Rabbi's method of interpreting the Bible---Lightweight/light is allowed, but more than that
Why not allow something important?
Freedom to the Jews who are bound by the Sabbath, to the Jews who are slaves to the law.
Those who have received the Word but do not keep it = Those who only know the word and do not understand its meaning.
To make known the true God and His will--He spoke with actions risking his life
---Sabbath events/significant reason for eventually being killed.
Jesus??words were not because he spoke with deeds despite the threat of ripe death.
It has become a powerful teaching that overcomes sin and death and changes the world.
Even though we have the word of authority today, we cannot
The reason is that they do not teach by action.
Now, rather than studying how to communicate the Word of God in words,
We must study how our actions will reveal God and His will to the world.
when doing.
Let the powerful Word of God come through your life to the fullest in your home and world.
I hope that the joyous history that is being taught will be filled from now on.