Title: Prophet like Moses/Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Contents Hymn of the Week: Chapter 444: November 21, 1995
Text: Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Youngjin Church Dawn
Subject: A Prophet Like Moses
34 hwp
Tomb of Moses (Deuteronomy 34:6)
Have you ever visited the birthplaces or relics of great men and remembered their youth and death?
Perhaps the most common of these is visiting the grave of the deceased.
Not only in the history of the nation of Israel, but throughout the Old and New Testaments, except for Jesus Christ, Moses was
It can be concluded that he is a person who has lived the most turbulent and greatest life.
However, it is significant that the tomb of Moses, who left such a great feat of life, is unknown to anyone.
1. Moses was buried in a valley in the land of Moab.
It was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the ancestors of the nation of Israel,
With the conquest of Canaan, which was finally about to be accomplished, Moses was forced to die in the land of Moab across the Jordan River. So his body was buried in the valley of the land of Moab,
No one knows the tomb where Joshua or any of the Israelites buried Moses' body. Moses was buried by God so that no one would know his tomb, and it was also God's merciful blessing for the death of the faithful Moses.
2. The tomb of Moses, unknown to anyone.
If you know where the tomb of Moses is, pilgrimages and pilgrimages to it will never stop.
Ultimately, the result is just as the copper serpent on a pole became an object of idolatry (2 Kings 18:4)
The tomb of Moses would also have been worshiped as an object of idols.
Even though Moses was a person who did a dangerous work,
True glory and worship are always worthy of being received by God alone.
Prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 34:10-12)
Throughout Deuteronomy, we learn that Moses is a type of Jesus Christ.
18:15,18 also clearly reveals that fact, so let's see in what way Moses is a type of Christ.
1. Moses, whom Jehovah knew face to face.
Here, the word “know” refers not to a perceptual meaning, but to a whole-personal fellowship.
God gave Moses a special revelation and he had a deep and intimate fellowship with him.
However, Jesus Christ shared the only fellowship with God. However, Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, the fulfillment of revelation, and the one who has the most intimate fellowship with God the Father.
2. Moses, who was treasured in the land of Egypt by God.
In Moses, who was sent to Egypt, a symbol of sin and Satan, to save the chosen people, we find the figure of Jesus Christ who came to this world to deliver the elect.
Just as Moses, one of the children of Israel, was sent to liberate the people of Israel from Egypt, Christ also came to this earth as a human being to save mankind.
3. Moses Intercedes for Israel
The figure of Moses who prayed intercession with the determination to sacrifice everything for the people of Israel, who repeatedly sinned, shows Jesus Christ interceding for the saints with supplications and groanings that cannot be expressed even now.
Moses' deliverance of his people from Egypt and leading them to Canaan was a foreshadowing of Christ's deliverance from sin and death into the kingdom of God. Therefore, through the entire book of Deuteronomy, we come to realize and appreciate the merits and graces of Christ once again.