Title: Providence of God/Ecclesiastes 7:13-14
Content: Providence of God/Ecclesiastes 7:13-14
Key Verse: “Who can straighten what God has crooked?” (Ecclesiasts 7:13)
Word: Our favorite word in our religious life is probably the word “prosperity”. It refers to the kind of prosperity that everything goes well and things go smoothly no matter the circumstances.
In the Bible, Joseph is a man blessed by God. But his life was not always a one-way blessing. It was a complicated life. But there was God's providence. We must acknowledge God's providence in this way. We need to know that God is the one who uses both opening and closing.
It is clearly stated in the text of Ecclesiastes today. Dammam is the way to openness. To Joseph, his father's house was closed, but Potiphar's house was opened. On the day Potiphar's house was closed, the prison doors were opened. And on the day the prison doors were closed, the door of the Egyptian prime minister was finally opened.
We often knock on closed doors and weep and pray for them to be opened, but don't just look at the closed door. Expect God to provide another open door. That is looking forward and looking forward to the Lord. So, those who can kneel before God's providence will know for sure that they will always work together for good.
If all of your prayers are answered according to the title of your prayer, it will not be successful. Then let go of the expectation that our lives will be beautiful. Using our prayer subject as a tool, our God is a God who always wants to give good things. And He is the one who expects us to be beautiful as potters, to be our finest masterpieces.
He will sleep us. The reason is to distinguish us by soft ocher. And you will stick and cut and turn and touch and touch. They will also put us in a hot kiln to roast them solidly. Only then will the world-class luxury products come out. This is God's providence and God's plan.
All we need to do is to enter the Providence School of God and learn diligently in His curriculum. There is no school where students create a curriculum. There is no school where I can only study what I want to do. Today, if we live in the expectation that God's plan of providence is being fulfilled within us, our lives will become valuable and beautiful. It will surely become a testimony point in the distant future.
Prayer: God, help me to live joyfully in your gracious providence. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Lord's Prayer