Title: Rebirth (Anoden: Reborn from above)
Title: Rebirth (Anoden: Reborn from above)
Text: John 3: 1-21 // Sermon: Lamb's Lecturer
Jesus begins to reveal Himself accurately from John 3:3. In John 3:3, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus must have been puzzled. He is the leader of the Jews! In these days, he testified of Jesus Himself by telling Nicodemus the problem of salvation, who is like a professor of the Old Testament. It must have been absurd for Nicodemus. Why? Salvation is already guaranteed to this person, and there is no need to doubt. He was a teacher who served God, worshiped, and taught the law. He was an influential member of the Sanhedrin Council, the highest Jewish court.
Nicodemus appears three times in the Gospel of John. Later, he prepared for the Lord's burial. As Nicodemus talked with the Lord, he gradually realized the truth, believed that the young Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, and became a disciple of the Lord.
Dear classmates!
We must meet the Lord through the Bible. When we meet the Lord, we can receive true salvation. Like Nicodemus, listen to the voice of the Lord through the Bible and answer yourself for who the Lord is. The word of the Lord is about “the things of heaven.” These words are the truth of heaven and the voice of heaven. The words of the young Jesus to Nicodemus are the language of heaven. We earnestly hope that all of us will know and believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, through the Bible, and that it will appear as a life of deep fellowship and fellowship with the Lord every day. If you walk with the Lord Jesus, you will be in heaven wherever you go. The Lord is with you forever. Hallelujah ^^*