Title: Red Rose Blooms in the Wasteland
The Bible says we know that we have passed from death to life through the love of our brother. Brotherly love became a decisive factor in the transition from death to life. We usually think of eternal life through faith in the Lord Jesus. Or, we know that by receiving the forgiveness of sins, we go beyond the wages of death, and move on to the place of life. But today, instead of this word, 'brotherly love' took its place. Because what the hell is brotherly love?
Brotherly love is the foundation of our lives. You cannot say you love God without loving your brother. The Bible says, how can we say that we love God, whom we cannot see, without loving our brothers whom we have seen. The two supreme commandments of Jesus are to love God and to love our neighbor. Loving God begins with loving our neighbor. Jesus defines a neighbor as someone who needs your help. Brotherly love in the Bible today is synonymous with neighbor love.
The great stature of love is expressed in the words of the Bible: "God is love." God is like love. Love is what God does. It's interesting to put it this way. To love is 'to God'. What God does is what he loves. In other words, to say we love or to have love is to say that we have God. In contrast, if we do not love or have love, we do not have God. Also, the Bible says that if you hate your brother or if you do not love your brother, you are a murderer, and a murderer has no eternal life. What is now clear is that there is a direct connection between love and eternal life. Those who love have eternal life, and those who do not love have no eternal life.
The Bible says love never falls. On the other hand, prophecies and tongues are abolished and silenced. Prophecy is partial, knowledge is partial, and what we see and know is unclear. But love is partial and not obscure. The Bible never says that love is a riddle or faint. Love is clear and perfect. Love is holy and belongs to God. God is love. Love is not a concept that confuses us on any specific occasion.
Foreigners are our brothers and sisters and objects of our love. You cannot say you love the invisible God without loving your foreign brothers and sisters. We cannot say that we love them simply by giving them what we have. Because we have seen from above that we can give ours freely without love. To love is not that easy. Because to love is a holy thing and God's work. But it's not all that difficult. When we know God and imitate Him, we naturally become people of love. Because God is love.
Now let's love each other. The one who loves becomes one who is begotten of God, and one who has “entered from death into life.” Without love you have no life, and without love your life is meaningless. Let us have the meaning of life through love and obtain eternal life. Love is the supreme way of life, nobler, better, more meaningful, more useful, more beautiful than faith, more hope, than any gift of the Holy Spirit.