Title: Redemption Love / Ho 3:1-5
Content DP-109-2-HOS-3-1-5-Y
: Redemption Love :
: No. 3:1-5 :
Part I. sorority
1. Background
Chapter 3 describes the supreme love of God and the thorough redemption for man.
All. Gomer, the promiscuous woman, left the house again, and Hosea sought her again and paid for her.
God's love is revealed through this series of processes of paying
it got messed up Gomer was the spiritual, moral and political sin of Israel that gave rise to a spiritual dark age.
It is a symbol of evil. She is a sinful Israel.
Through the prophet Hosea, God gave us the Savior Jesus Christ
Discover the redemptive revelation of the sending of
1) As Hosea married Gomer, so Jehovah became the husband of Israel.
2) The reason that Gomer left Hosea and was defiled with another man was that Israel
It means that they have left and become defiled by Baal worship.
3) Just as Gomer was sold into slavery by governments, so the people of Israel departed from Jehoah.
I prophesied that I would be sold to the world's great powers and become slaves.
4) Just as Hosea was instructed by God to restore Gomer to normal, so
He will restore the remnant of Israel.
5) Hosea redeemed her with silver and barley to restore Gomer.
As it is, Christ paid the price of His own blood to redeem the true Israel
will be true
6) The prophet Hosea who appears here is the example of the savior of grace who will appear in the last days.
It foreshadows Christ
7) After all, Israel is Gomer, and even though their descendants are descendants of Gomer, David (e.g.
The promise of the hope of salvation, seeking salvation and moving forward with grace, is shining all the time.
All. That is, sinners have the hope of the Messiah's promise.
2. Central Thought
As Hosea healed the prostitute Gomer, so God will restore Israel.
and love you
3. Text division
Subject : The Restored Marriage of Hosea
3:1 / God's command
2-3 / Hosea's Obedience
4-5 / illustrated example
4. Fact observation
Verse 3:1: The savor of raisins refers to the delicacies associated with Paul's worship.
However, they were the bread offered to Ashtaroth (Jeremiah 7:18, 44:19).
Verse 2: A homer and a half of barley is equal to fifteen shekels, which is the price of a slave (Ex. 21:
32) It is equivalent to 30 shekels (including 15 pieces of silver).
Verse 3: “You shall be with me many days,” says, “Sit quietly and
Wait for" means.
Verse 4: This refers to the long period of the Assyrian captivity of the children of Israel. ephod here
Silver was not worn by priests, but was used for witchcraft purposes. The ephod and the teraphim were divination
is the way God forbade this (1 Samuel 15:23; 2 Kings 23:24).
Verse 5: “Then they returned” refers to the time of Israel’s restoration.
All. The primary meaning refers to the return from captivity, and the secondary meaning refers to the ashes of Jesus Christ.
It means rim time.
Part II. group
This material was prepared on the premise of the evening worship service. Be compared to the person who comes to worship during the day
W Those who come out on Wednesday evening must be truly longing for the Word. to do that
Strictly speaking, the focus of the sermon should be on the Wednesday worship service or the morning sermon.
There is also a claim that Sermons for the daytime worship service are presumably given the weight of new believers in mind.
If the presentation of the gospel should be strong and simple, the evening or dawn should be education-oriented.
This needs to be If possible, the saints feel the joy of studying the text on their own.
It would be even more beneficial if it was configured in a way that could be worn. Therefore, the meaning of the text
It is better to compose the message by focusing on meditation training to observe and apply
(Even if unity is somewhat neglected, the meaning of each verse is revealed, applied, and revealed.
Main text: No. 3:1-5
Title: Redemption Love
Main content: God never gives up on his beloved children,
Even if you give it, you will find it again.
Sermon Purpose: To convince you of God's love and absolute grace.
1) Summary of content so far.
2) Today's text outline.
I. God wants the relationship to be restored (1).
A. Gomer was a harlot who left the house on her own.
1. There was no clear reason for running away without permission. and for her
Had three children. She gave up her role as a mother.
2. She committed the crime of having an affair with another man. chastity in the home
gave up with broke the commandment It was an unforgivable sin.
3. If the custom of that time was followed, it was a sin that deserved to be stoned to death.
4. Nevertheless, God commanded that Gomer be brought back.
B. Gomel's appearance is exactly what I am.
1. I knew what God wanted me to do but didn't do it
His appearance is identical to that of Gomer who committed fornication. The spirit of the world rather than the glory of God
My action in pursuit of light is spiritual fornication.
2. But God never gives up on us. Humans are understanding
Acts according to the law, but God does not seek interests. god me
If you think that you have saved me so that you can profit through it, you are mistaken.
3. Because of the love of Jesus, we are saved. Therefore, we are the Lord's
You have to repay Lang. The Lord wants us to love others
put on.
4. You must forgive and love others even as much as you have been forgiven by your master.
II. God paid the price to restore our relationship (2-3).
A. He told me to pay money to buy my wife who left home.
1. Gomer was rightfully Hosea's wife. Even if I got a reward, it would be cool
All. But God told me to buy it with money.
2. The amount God offered was the price of one slave.
3. The Lord told us to make friends with unrighteous riches. thief sleeping
Reward the thief who stole God's things so that you can realize God's love
say to do
B. God paid his only son to buy us.
1. God's love is a true love that cannot give up on us. woo
It's not because of any useful value to Lee, but because of unconditional love.
you saved
2. Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Although Satan bought Jesus' body
His soul could not live. Jesus died on the cross at the request of Satan.
But he resurrected after three days. In the end, the material things of the world are unrighteous riches.
All. There is no need for material things in heaven.
3. If the saints suffered material losses to keep their faith, make friends
If you invest material for the sake of it, it is never a loss. But
If material things quarreled before, material things may remain, but lost faith
Where will you find it? When the Lord gave up our bodies, we too were saved.
Didn't the Lord also resurrect with an eternal, incorruptible, spiritual body?
4. What would you pay for the glory of God? little things (world
Keep in mind that you get great things when you pay for them.
III. The result of the atonement is the coming of the age of grace (4-5).
A. Israel, who undergoes refinement, will confess only God as Lord.
1. Although their suffering was the result of their own choice,
It gave me good results that lead me to seek Me. Satan will destroy their bodies
They tormented them, but God restored their souls.
2. As a result of his captivity, he learned which god was the true god.
3. Verse 5 refers to the restoration of Israel to be accomplished in the future.
B. The result of the atonement is grace, which is future.
1. Don't wait for the seeds to sprout right before your eyes. for spiritual fruit
The treasures stored in heaven's storehouse cannot be recorded in the world's savings account.
2. Physical trials, sacrifices, and unrighteous riches paid for friends
It is beneficial. The obedience of the Lord only saved us, who were Gentiles,
He also saved the nation of Israel, who crucified the Lord.
God's love is a ransom love that pays a price. restore our relationship
to do We have given up our own rights, but the Lord has given us
He paid the price to be on an equal footing. So I was humiliated by the bad guys
and died on the cross. But you got something better. The ransom love is more valuable
be rewarded for what is lost Invest in unrighteous wealth for your friend.