Title: Remember Me (2004.6.13)
Date: June 13, 2004
Word: 1 Corinthians 11:23-29
Title: Celebrate Me
Contents :
Verse 23 says, “What I have delivered to you, I have received from the Lord.”
It is from the Lord. Therefore, the church that has Christ as Lord
The sacraments are to be honored and kept in observance,
must do.
2. The Lord's Supper is Christ who died on the cross to save us.
It is to commemorate.
As Jesus said, this bread and wine are the flesh and blood of Jesus.
It symbolizes the death of Christ on the cross. this death is a sinner
It is death as a sin offering for salvation. When we partake of the sacrament
Be sure to remember this covenant and be true through faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ.
must be This is the remembrance of the Lord in the Lord's Supper.
3. Every time we partake of the Lord's Supper, we must proclaim the Lord's death.
We believe and commemorate that Jesus died for our sins
Not only that, but he must also announce his death. pass it on to our descendants,
We must preach to our neighbors and to all people who do not know Christ. Us
must preach this gospel to the ends of the earth.
4. After examining himself, he told them to participate in the sacrament.
First, each of us considers all our sins and transgressions,
You must know clearly that you are worthy of wrath and curse. therefore
We must repent and humbly hold to the cross of the Lord.
Second, each of us is a sure believer in Christ as our Savior.
You have to look deeply. Because you are a sinner, you can only die on the cross of Jesus Christ.
Those who believe and confess that only through the blood can we be forgiven and saved.
Third, since we have been saved by the wonderful grace of God, now we
You should see if you are ready and determined to offer yourself as a living sacrifice to the Lord for forgiveness.
5. The Lord's Supper should be participatory in the hope of Christ's second coming.
Jesus Christ is coming again. The great work of salvation of Christ is at His Second Coming.
is completed in So this sacrament will also be changed into a feast in heaven with the second coming of the Lord.
(Matthew 26:29) When Jesus instituted this sacrament, he told his disciples to meet again in heaven.
you said it would be. So when we partake of the Lord's Supper, we receive the grace of salvation.
We must remember and look forward to the heavenly feast that will begin with the Second Coming of the Lord.