Title: Repair the Fallen Temple
Repair the fallen temple
This is a lesson from Joash repairing the decaying temple.
1> We must have spiritual eyes to see the fallen temple.
Several kings passed after Solomon.
But it was King Joash who saw the fallen temple.
- The fallen temple is not for anyone to see.
Seeing a fallen temple
It's not because we like our physical eyes, but because we like our spiritual eyes.
2> What we must do today is to repair the temple of our heart.
Solomon's Temple was well built.
After 160 years, the temple is old and deteriorating.
What's more important than what you see
1 Corinthians 3:16 "that you are the temple of God,
Don't you know that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
Our body is the temple.
The temple of our hearts needs repairs and cleaning.
Isn't it the temple of the heart polluted with worldly things?
Please take a look at yourself.
At first it was built as well as Solomon's Temple, but
while time is passing by
Have you not been defiled and degraded by <greed> <lust> and <blood>?
and more importantly
not cleaned and not repaired
Wasn't it abandoned?
3> We must try not to change our faith.
Joash became king at the age of 7
He ruled the country well under the guidance of High Priest Jehoiada.
# You did what was right in the sight of God.
# He also showed enthusiasm for repairing the temple of God.
But people change.
- We change too.
Reason for Joash's Fall
1> Jehoiada the priest died and the wicked people listened.
2> Rejecting the revuke of the prophet Zechariah, he is stoned to death.
3> idolatry.
Words of instruction through the Word.
# When did you believe in Jesus?
Don't brag about your training.
# Don't brag about the past,
Don't brag about your experience
Please check your faith today.