Title: River of Life (2009.2.1)
Date: February 1, 2009
Word: Revelation 22:1-5
Title: River of Life
The text is a description of the New Jerusalem, where we will dwell forever, and the Lord showed it to the beloved Apostle John. The text speaks about the river of the water of life, the tree of life, and the throne of the Lamb of God. Eternal life is the ultimate goal of our human beings, and even if we lose it in the world, it is life to gain it back. Life is the most precious thing that God has created. Therefore, anyone's life should be respected, never downplayed.
river of life
The river of the water of life flows into the new Eden where we will go.
Crystal clear river of water of life
The source of the river of the water of life is the throne of God.
The river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In order to have life, our lives must be rooted in the throne of God. There is no life anywhere else. This is the difference between Christianity and other religions.
The river of the water of life flows in the middle of the road.
The way the river of the water of life flows is the way to the throne of God. The way to the throne on both sides of the river of the water of life is a way for those who have been saved to walk freely. The river flowing in the middle of the road is a country where everyone lives together.
tree of life
The tree of life bears fruit by the river of the water of life.
There is a road to the throne on both sides of the river of the water of life, and there is a tree of life along the way, bearing 12 kinds of fruit every month.
It signifies abundance and freshness, lasting grace and peace. Its fruit is 12 kinds, and its leaves are for the healing of all nations. The fruit of the tree of life is not simply the fruit of eternal life, but it is the tree and fruit that heals the broken heart and makes it perfect. The attribute of the kingdom of God has the attribute of restoration, that is, healing.
You will see his face and live. You will see the true light, the light itself, not the light source.
There is no night, and the lamps and sunlight are useless. Because God shines on us.
reign for ever and ever
It is a place where you can enjoy true freedom and peace. Restoring rights with the warrant of all things, the natural blessing of man