Title: Responsible and balanced life of believers
1 Corinthians 10:23 - 1 Corinthians 10:33 Responsibility and Balanced Christian Life
Morning Prayer Meeting for Sunday, March 25th
1. The relationship between the believer and God
We overcome sin and death by being caught up in the word of God. As children from darkness to light, we cannot live without God's help. Faith becomes the subject, and we strive every day to please God. Confessing that they cannot live without God's help, the believer fights against sin, the devil, and the powers of Satan, and overcomes them by wearing the spiritual armor God has given them. Following the victorious Jesus, he devoted his body and mind for his glory, and prayed and sweated day and night to receive the crown of life. Therefore, believers long for God and give God unconditionally when he bestows grace on such people.
2. Relations between believers and believers
Even among believers, it is divided into new believers and old believers. New believers are very sensitive to the lives, words and deeds of old believers because their faith is weak. Always be careful when dealing with new believers as you would a child. If we look at the example of plants, even if we eat all plants, the believer must give up the right to eat if it is offensive to a new believer. Like adults who refrain from eating even if they want to, if it harms a child, it is the same reason as tolerating it. This is the hard work of those who preach the gospel.
3. Relationships between believers and unbelievers
Unbelievers and believers are water and oil, but they always coexist under the same sky. Believers have good reason to despise unbelievers, but they must surround them with love and encourage them to invite them to salvation. Just as an unbeliever does not become a believer for a reason that deserves salvation, there is a high possibility that an unbeliever will turn into a believer at any time. By showing a low attitude, it is necessary to prevent the effectiveness of the gospel from being reduced by causing rejection by unbelievers due to the high-ranking attitude of believers.
Bible Quotation 1 Corinthians 6ㅣ12
1 Corinthians 8:12-13
Philippians 2:1-4 The heart of Christ
Mark 7:14-23 For the sins of the heart that come out of a man are more unclean than what goes into his mouth.
Acts 10:9-16 The Gentile contact that Peter wanted to speak in the nightmarish vision he saw
1 Timothy 4:3-5 All food is to be received with thanksgiving
Seeking my own interests is an act of novice or unbeliever. A saint or a mature believer burns himself and devotes himself to the Lord and the church for the labor of love, and invests material, time, energy, devotion and love to invite unbelievers to reach salvation. The reward for that is in the kingdom of the Lord. Loyalty on this earth is the right attitude of heart that only useless servants should do. Paul was confessing to glorify God by pouring out his body, mind, devotion, and love for God, who used himself from the unprofitable to the useful and helpful for others.