Title: Rethink your child's education.
Title: Let's Rethink Children's Education. Text: Joshua 4:19-24
Professor Toynbee spoke of Israel's history as a miracle in world history. They say that they have a phenomenal national history that has produced many people who have had an impact on the world by persevering in the face of ironic fate and historical tragedies. Some have said that in their blood there is a terrifying passion that no other nation can imitate. He also said that there are two wheels of this passion shown in the history of Israel, one for education and the other for faith. Passion for education and passion for faith have made the history of the nation of Israel.
1. The people of Israel were educated to take advantage of opportunities.
2. The children of Israel are educated through the experiences of their parents.
3. The Israelites consistently educated their children.
Do you know what the biggest reason children don't trust their parents today is? You don't trust what you said a month ago because it's different from what you said today. Training must be consistent above all else. While the people of Israel erected a monument, they repeatedly taught and taught the important values of life.
4. The Israelites first gave them the education to know God.
Joshua 4:6-7 What does this mean? When we went out carrying the ark of the covenant, which symbolizes God's presence and God's presence, the waters of the Jordan River, which seemed impossible to cross, split in front of us. It tells us that because God was with us, even the waves of the waves obeyed. This means that the great work of God and the great power of God to overcome hardships, tribulations, and waves has been transmitted to their descendants. It made me realize that it was not that I had power, but that the hand of God was mighty. By making them come to know the Almighty God, they were trying to make their children fear God forever. God has protected this country. God has protected our family. God has kept me It was an education that made you know that God protects you too.