Title: Revival: The name of the era
Revival is the return of God's people to God and rising to new life. God, who remembered the time of revival with David, announced his wish for revival like the time of David through the lips of the prophet. God's will for revival has been and is being fulfilled in the field of Christian prayer devoted to every important milestone in history.
sites of revival
The Medieval Reformation was also a great mountain range for the revival movement. The Reformation, which brought the great flow of Roman Catholicism back to the shape of the early church and returned to the Bible, was a spark of revival that burned dramatically in the darkest time. Martin Luther and Calvin were at the center of this movement.
After the Reformation of the 16th century, such as the Great Awakening of Jonathan Edwards, the Puritan movement, the Azusa revival movement, the Pyongyang revival movement, etc., it is a blessing to experience the powerful revival of the Holy Spirit and restore the tabernacle of David in Europe, America and Korea. It was.
Requirements for revival
People Committed to Christ: God works through people. We work through converted Christians, committed, obedient Christians, those who long for God's presence and delight in God.
Prayer: Where there is no prayer, the fruits of revival have never been produced. On the day of Pentecost, the presence of the Holy Spirit came to the place of prayer, and the presence of the Holy Spirit moved them to the place of prayer. The revival in which many people turned to God proceeded vigorously, and prayers shifted to all nations and tribes of the Gentiles.
The work of the Holy Spirit: The merit of revival is something that no man can take. Because it is the glory of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.
The people God used in every age and age are those who prayed with embracing this land and wanted to restore the tabernacle of David that was destroyed by the work of the Holy Spirit. David's tabernacle was a place of true fellowship with God. I pray that God's choice, who made it to become the lamp of the age because of the people of faith who are awake in the darkest times, is with me and you today, so that in this age, the work of revival that makes this place a scene of communion with God will be full.