Title: Right and Sincere Faith (1 John 03:17)
Contents Our family should live a life of faith as believers. Above all else, the foundation must be laid for us to use that faith. If you sit with your arms crossed and wait [I believe in God] without any foundation of faith, you will never receive an answer to your prayers. Then, let's look at some conditions that we must prepare in our personality to lay the foundation for our faith.
First, we must have an honest heart before God. Humans can create lies, but they cannot last long. For a moment, lies may appear to be working and thriving, but people are blinded by the fact that their roots are immediately revealed and all human creation built upon them is destroyed. Therefore, you should make honesty your life motto so that your faith becomes the foundation on which God can work.
Second, we must be faithful to God. People consider the big and small of the task they are entrusted with, and they like big things, but think of small things as insignificant, but God doesn't. God sees how faithful and faithful you are in your work.
In the Bible, Matthew 5:41, it is written, [And if anyone forces you to go the duckling, walk with him two miles.] This verse tells us that there must be integrity that transcends duty. People think that they are sincere when they fulfill their assigned tasks, but the Bible says that fulfilling only tasks is not sincere. Therefore, no matter what task each of you has been assigned, you must be faithful to your work so that God can respond to your faith.
Third, be diligent. In the Bible, [look at the birds in the air] is a reference to a bird that diligently flies here and there in search of food. This means that people must work diligently to receive God's blessings.
Fourth, we must live by emphasizing the bright side of life. There is a light side and a dark side to our lives. Even when the sun shines brightly, there is still shade under the eaves and under trees and under bridges. There is always only shade for those who turn away from the bright sun and seek only shade. However, those who turn away from the sun and seek the sun can always possess the sun. It is the same in life. For those who live with only the dark side of despair and negativity, there is always only sorrow and pain. However, those who live with a hopeful and positive bright side will always be filled with happiness and joy. We thank God for always being with our family. Please guide my family to live worthy lives with a clear attitude to the faith. We are weak and lacking. May the Holy Spirit help us so that we can practice love for our neighbors. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
The Lord's Prayer for the Neighbors