Title: Right Education (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
In today's text, Deuteronomy 6:7, it says, "Teach your children diligently." From an early age, Jews taught their children the Bible, the Word of God, and the Talmud, which is called the Book of Wisdom. Why should we diligently teach the Bible, and why have we been teaching the Bible until now? If we summarize the reasons based on 2 Timothy 3:16, in a word, we can learn the Bible and live a good life and live a right life by living according to the Bible. Why did God say to the Israelites who entered Canaan through Moses, “Teach your children the Bible diligently”? This is because great education is possible only by teaching the Bible. Today, through the Word, I want to talk about an education that must not be the Bible, an education that can only be established by teaching the Bible. It has two things.
I. Education that must not be the Bible, education that can only be established by teaching the Bible
That is faith education.
Someone proudly said, "I have decided not to force or teach my children about the faith." The reason he advocates is that after this, his children grow up so that they can choose their own religion and decide their faith. Regarding this attitude, Cowridge said, “It sounds like reasonable, enlightening, and merciful, but it is actually a demonic attitude. Today, parents on this land interfere with everything in life, from what they eat, what they wear, and what they sleep to, how to make friends, go to a higher school, and who gets married. But strangely, only faith is freedom. Are you saying that faith is worse than the things he eats, wears, and goes to school in his life? I don't know what it is, but for some reason, I take a relaxed attitude, waiting for what I want to do with my faith. Is it the product of ignorance or the product of leisure?
There is something we should never overlook. It means that parents have a responsibility to pass on the faith to their children. What we must pay special attention to is that religious education should be carried out from an early age. Among the prophets who were active in the Old Testament times, if I were to pick a great prophet, I would definitely pick Samuel. Samuel was the spiritual leader and spiritual leader of Israel from before the founding of Israel to the Saul dynasty. However, he was born through the prayer of his mother Hannah, and through Hannah's determination and faith, he was entrusted to Eli the priest at a young age, that is, as soon as he was weaned, to conduct religious education. As a result, he became a prophet like a star who was active in Israel.
Coleman McCarthy stated that the cause of the behavior of a 16-year-old boy was already formed at the age of four. However, prenatal education experts say that the tenth month of the fetus determines a lifetime. Then, the question of how old we should start religious education for our children became clear. It is better when you are young, and you should teach the word of God while regretting that it is too late. If there is only one educational institution where we can hope in the future, it is the Church's Sunday School. Dear saints, In order for our children to grow up and become upright people, we must give them religious education from an early age. On Sundays, let's go to church, worship God, and lead us to learn the words of the Bible.
II. Education that must not be the Bible, education that can only be established by teaching the Bible
That is life education.
Life education is teaching how to live. However, life education is not education in words. Life education is audiovisual education. It is education to see with the eyes and hear with the ears, and life education is what happens when you can feel it with your heart. School classrooms are not supposed to give children more than knowledge. If so, the responsibility must now be borne by the family and the church. What that means is that education is what we need to show. “Jesus believes in this way”, “Life should be like this”, “You have to live with these values”… … … that we have to show Remember that the eternal teacher is Jesus Christ, the eternal educational textbook is the Bible, and the safe classroom is the home and the church. Now it's clear what we're going to do. From now on, let's show and live. I hope that everyone will be able to stand proudly in the position of parents as teachers who are not ashamed to show.