Title: Romans 10:14-21 Responsibilities of Evangelism
Content Responsibilities for evangelism (Romans 10:14-21)
Evangelist Whitfield, who appeared like a comet in the United States in the 18th century, said, "It is better to wear out than to rust," said Whitfield, an evangelist, while preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He preached with all his strength in a small village called Exeter, and the next day was Sunday, and people came to visit him early in the morning. He was 56 years old. Why did Whitefield live so devotedly for the gospel? The blessings we enjoy through Jesus Christ, who gives salvation to those who call on Jesus Christ, are infinitely rich even when the universe is filled. And whoever believes in Jesus will be saved and have eternal life.
We too must go to the world and to our neighbors. To work, to home, to school, to the society in which we live. In other words, we must become missionaries who are sent by our field of life. You should know that I have commanded all believers to go, not just clergy and missionaries. In order for us to go to our neighbors, we need to create opportunities for fellowship with unbelievers outside the church, not just with ourselves in the church. In order to create an opportunity to share the gospel with unbelievers, we need to build a bond between our neighbors. Recently, a great revival movement of Protestantism is taking place in South America, especially Brazil, because the church evangelizes diligently. The South American church teaches that even first-time believers must evangelize. In this way, a church that gathers 100 people means that 100 missionaries carry the Gospel to their field of life. And we must not only preach the gospel to unbelieving neighbors, but also go to the ends of the earth.
Jesus wants everyone in the world to be saved and rich through him. He does not want only me to be saved and only my family to be saved. He wants the gospel to be witnessed to the ends of the earth, that all people will be saved, and that all nations will kneel and give glory to God. Today, the Lord commands us to go toward us. If you have been saved, he tells you to go so that no one will say that you did not believe because you did not hear. When Isaiah heard a voice from the throne of God saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" he did not delay and said, "Here am I; send me." This answer should be for all of us